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Everything posted by M00N37

  1. engine quit when switched to left mag. Just wanted to get both replaced with overhauled units at the same time. Oh I appreciate the help. Just don’t appreciate being overcharged. maybe my math is wrong. How is $75 x (3hrs + 1hr(travel)) = $420 ? well...It’s not even full 3 hrs of work. If you really wanna be accurate, it’s more like 2.3hrs and he lives 8 miles away so unless he drives really slow, it’s not 1 hr drive. Thinking back about it, I did left something out. I guess I just didn’t wanna hear it. This guy said to me at the end the rate he told me ($75) was not for field call. Well why told me normal shop rate when he knew this was field call ? It’s not like I didn’t tell him exactly what needs to be done, where and what time. Maybe it’s my fault for not asking the right questions. It’s my fault to expect people to be honest. There are mechanics that I trust and always treated me right, and then there is this guy.
  2. So my plane were ground away from home twice. First time I was charge $300 for replacing a mag. The guy took almost 4 hours. Second time I found two mechanics, first guy wanted flat fee if $500 to swap two mags. Second guy said it’s $75 an hour and should takes 2 hours. Ended up taking 3 hours, which is fine, but he wanted $420. What is wrong with mechanics ? Should I stop flying beyond gliding distance of my home base so I don’t get screwed by random mechanics now ?
  3. Got your message. Thank you.
  4. Can you PM me his phone number ?
  5. Thank you. I will try that.
  6. I tried the shop on field but they are too busy with another bigger plane.
  7. I need a mechanic to swap both mags. My plane is grounded in Dothan, AL (KDHN). Anybody knows a reliable mechanic nearby to swap the mags maybe this Friday ? I should be receiving overhauled mags on Thursday.
  8. I'm trying to minimize down time.
  9. suspecting that it has a crack.
  10. I pull the blue lever all the way back and quickly all the way forward. I tried to time it so I get exactly 100RPM. When the engine is started up from cold, first prop cycle barely does anything. For take off, pushing the throttle slow enough would prevents it from going over 2700. I do this when doing static take off or the runway is way too long.
  11. I'm looking for cheap but functional Lycoming O-360-A1D oil sump p/n 78915. Anybody knows where I can get one that won't break the bank ?
  12. I need to find a mechanic that takes lunch as a form of payment. LOL
  13. After digging around online, looks like mine is A-2480. Is B-2480 exactly the same as A-2480 ?
  14. How much did it cost ? I found one online for around $90 shipped.
  15. Are you referring to owner-produced part ?
  16. I would definitely be interested in a used one if the price is right. What's the guy contact and also what is this piece p/n ?
  17. Another day, another broken part. This is a filler part of dome assembly P/N 835-20 that attached to Hartzell prop. Anybody knows what P/N is for this piece that fills a gap in the spinner dome ?
  18. If this is the case, would the compression test even matter ? Since the MP is way less than ambient, the pressure is the other way around. I'm gonna have a mechanic pull the valve cover first to see if there is any excess oil caused by clogged drain back tube.
  19. I did multiple test flights today to confirm my hypothesis. The engine likes oil at 6qt. Anything over 6 seems to get blown out. As for the power setting, I saw no oil loss when cruising at full throttle. However I lost almost 2 qt in just 30 minutes by cruising at 3000ft with 17” 2500RPM. Apart from valve guide, clogged drain back tube, and oil control ring. Anything else that could be causing this ?
  20. I recently had 2 cylinders deglazed and 2 are brand new. Would the problematic cylinder also have oily bottom spark plug ?
  21. The engine is O-360-A1D in M20C. Sometimes the weather is moving slower or worse than expected and I won't be able to land when I get there at normal speed, so no point in going fast and hold. Other times I just wanna stay in the air as long as possible.
  22. I have been having mysterious oil leak problem. Today I flew 4 flights. First two flights were flown at 12,000ft with 16" at 2500RPM and I got the usual but more than normal of oil dripping from air box drain tube. 3rd flight was when thing got interesting. I took off with 6.75qt of oil. Flew for about 90 minutes at 7,000ft with 16" at 2500RPM. About 20 minutes from destination, my oil pressure was in the yellow. Oil level when landed was at 4qt. There was oil dripping out of the air box drain tube. It was a drop every second. I assume that is where most of the oil went. Last flight of the day was flown at 8,000 with full throttle and 2500RPM. At shutdown, there was no oil dripping out of the air box drain tube at all and oil level only drop from 8qt to 7.75qt. Is it normal for oil to be suck out of the engine when flying at low MP ? I'm experimenting with going slowly and burn as little fuel as possible. 16" at 2500RPM still gives me about 105kts TAS at 6-7GPH.
  23. Looking for A&P to swap a magneto on Mooney in and around Baxley, GA (KBHC) tomorrow afternoon / evening (Wednesday Sep 4). I have a replacement mag, gasket, and self-locking screws. Mechanic can be from nearby field or city. I have a plane to go pick him/her up. Any recommendations ?
  24. Landing in steady crosswind is easy. I try to kick the rudder and align the plane with runway right before touch down. Need to come in at the right speed so it wouldn’t float. Just like what I did in jets. Gusty wind crosswind is another story.
  25. I have the exact same issue as you. Glideslop wouldn’t work unless I lower gear and flap. I tested by briefly pull the nose up while tracking glideslope and flag came on immediately. Is it equipment malfunction or this is how the plane needs to be flown ?
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