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  2. hi everyone I own 67 M20F it recently went down for annual and the flange for the induction tube was damaged, so I contacted Lycoming and they sent me a new pipe which superseded the previous part. this new tube appears to long. Any tips for installation, modifications, etc thanks
  3. so i took the bottom half of the cowling of and the exhaust on the #4 cylinder was holding on by 1 bolt on the top, the other one sheered off bottom 2 of the 3 castle nuts fell off. that explains the exhaust gas temps. Thanks everyone for help and support
  4. #4 peaked at 1150 #2 hot cylinder 1350( normal) mine is the injected model m20F
  5. possible fuel contamination? just moved it on the ramp from hangar 2 weeks ago plugs loaded up? after start mix full rich engine died restart i leaned the mix, it coughed a bit then fired up OAT TODAY 90f
  6. i took the cowl off this morning no leaks of oil anywhere or anything abnormal visually and checked just under 6 quarts(normal) in the engine, and the temps never got hot. The DA that day was around 5k, it is still running rough and engine monitor still reads the same #4 bar graph was rising /egt readout about 1000 all others Lean of Peak 1290-1350 @ 2000 rpm
  7. I have. The electronics international thanks everyone for the tips SO pill the plug and lean it or run it up and lean it out to burn off
  8. will do thanks come to think of it before i took off i shut the engine down to fuel up then flooded the engine so possibly a fowled spark plug?
  9. had my a&p check out my system the yoke button works so pilot valve is good he suggests cleaning the solenoid that should fix the problem
  10. good morning everyone i own a 67 mooney taking off to day from my home airport everything was a ok, on the return flight i heard a slight vibration then i look at my egt #4 reading approximately 200 lower than other cylinders cht normal. in the descent to land heard popping sound from engine and running rough no oil on the screen, all other indications normal suggestions or thoughts
  11. i have a 67 F model and i am having a similar problem and was just reading in maintenance manual that you should test the Pilot Valve Operation ( cut-off valve) and replace if it is not shutting off completely. i have a suspicion this is the problem with mine, the main push/pull switch for the wing leveler does not disengage it nor does the shut off valve on the control yoke. do you have any idea the cost of a new pilot valve or the maintenance required to replace it
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