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Bill Pugh

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Everything posted by Bill Pugh

  1. Thanks for all the posts and great information. Been away a bit but I did order some oil and filters that was recommended, but . . . I don’t have an oil filter! LOL. Just a screen. I’ll try to fly some profiles and gather some data on the 150 hp. So far, she’s flying great after I swapped all the plugs for new ones. I understand most folks still lean on the ground to save the plugs?
  2. Yes, I have the 150 HP O-320. She has a metal tail from an AD in the 60s I believe? Long story was that she was hangared for almost 4 decades (less than 2000 hrs on the airframe) and lovingly brought back to life by two owners ago. I found her in Georgetown, TX and both previous owners live there on a private field. FAA registry/NTSB accident database shows the sister ships (N5226B & N5228B) no longer around and have had accidents. I had experience flying a 1969 M20C years ago and she handles the same but maybe a fews knots (MPH) faster. Cylinder temps seem to want to creep up and I'm starting to figure out how to manage those. I've always heard Mooneys are tightly-cowled airplanes and temps can be an issue.
  3. Thanks! Looking forward to many discussions.
  4. Just bought my first Mooney . . . a 1956 Mk20 wood wing. I knew the previous owner and the owner before him. So, she might have been your "girl" at one time too, but she's all mine now. Just wondering how many of the "woodies" are still flying? I searched the enormous amount of threads and found a few posts from a couple years ago. Maybe start a new conversation? I received a whole lot of great info from the previous owners and have a pretty good network of resources. This particular plane (N5227B) has less than 2,000 TT, 250 SMOH, new interior and paint. Starting to get to know her and work on some of the important things for these old gals. Anyway, I'll share some pics. BTW, she lives where she was born back in 1956 (KERV). Airworthiness is signed by Charlie Dugosh! Bill
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