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  1. Sounds great... I should have done more research. I’m pissed about sinking $500 into ground school already and only getting through 3 chapters. Crooks. Finding a good flight school reminds me of doing business in China. I might start looking for an independent CFI that owns a plane.
  2. A confused student here... I’m through the first 3 chapters of the ground school text book with my flight school... every chapter costs me $100-200 which is completely out of hand seeing that I could own an entire ground school course for $200. So I’m looking for a better option. (And maybe a different school that doesn’t jack me around unless I’m missing something here...) I have seen the sportys and kings courses any others I should consider? I’m considering passing the written before continuing flight instruction so that the flight instruction has a more solid foundation and I don’t have a school try to run up my bill in a classroom. Your thoughts would be very appreciated!
  3. That is a very interesting progression. The jump from SR22 to TBM surprises me the most. Isn't the TBM 100kts faster and twice the size and weight easy? I bet a CJ has a lot of the pilot assist programs that make it easier to fly than one would think. Especially for someone that has some hours in a TBM.
  4. Interesting you would say that about this instructor. If I've learned something about CFIs they are all pretty opinionated. I came from a flight school with all the young hotshot CFIs clearly building hours to go work for an airline. I never got the plane or instructor I wanted. It was taking too long between lessons. The new flight school is much smaller and my CFI used to fly commercial and aged out. I would say he's better than the other option in my area. My intention wasn't to make him sound like a dick, just an interesting and debatable perspective. For all we know the guy in question buying the cirrus could be a less than stellar pilot.
  5. At flight school the other day my instructor dropped subtle hints about some guy buying a cirrus and basically people buying planes that he believes are beyond their training. What are your thoughts on this? I always thought a Cirrus was a pretty mainstream airplane loaded with a lot of expensive goodies. It doesn't even have RG... It seems that the progression through airplanes can be difficult at each increment, understandable, but how do you move up without moving up? I plan to be IFR rated by the time I buy an airplane. I'm training in cherokees and warriors. Is a Mooney too much airplane for a first plane? Just for argument sake and nothing more, Would this work logging a good amount of hours in each of the following before transitioning- Trainer Pipers > Mooney M20J > 36 Bonanza > 58 Baron > TBM or Meridian > King Air 90 How do you get to the extremely capable airplanes? Anyways! Sorry if this stirs some kind of pot, I am genuinely intrigued. I want some bad ass airplanes, but I want to be a good enough pilot to handle them.
  6. Fair enough. That makes a lot of sense. I guess the point of me wanting mine lifted with the waiver is that I truly believe I can distinguish them easily in a controlled environment or in an actual flight situation. Ive never had an issue with colors until the dot test. Anyways, my permission for the waiver is on the way to the FSDO. If I don't pass it, I won't fly at night. If I do, I won't ever concern myself with it again.
  7. I just had an interesting conversation with someone at my local FSDO about the test. They said I have to contact FAA in OKC and have them send a letter and initiate the ability to take the test. From there I meet them at a local controlled airport and do the test. Basically, he said if I can destinguish stoplights I can pass the test. Interestingly enough... He also said he has never seen anyone fail it. Im going to go for the daytime one it is a good trade of risk and reward (and that is what us capitalists are about) basically I pass and ALL restrictions go away forever. In the off chance I fail... I lose my ability to fly color control during the day forever. No biggie, I'll worry about lifting night restriction again if it gets that far. More FAA information on this can be found in FSIMS 8900 Point 1 Volume 5 Chapter 8 Section 1 it's public information.
  8. I'm not implying that I plan to break the law. Fail at the AME= restricted for all color control and night flying. Fail daytime SODA= restricted for daytime color control forever and still can have night lifted Pass nighttime SODA= Night restriction lifted, night color control lifted, day color control still restricted. Fail nighttime SODA= I'm stuck right here where I started this journey. No night flying or any color control.
  9. Interesting stories everyone. What do y'all think about shooting straight for the SODA with the FAA? I'm confident I'll pass If I fail in the day, I only lose daytime color control. I still can try at night and get the night flying/color control restriction lifted. How bad is it to never have the ability to fly under color control? I can always carry a backup handheld radio to lessen the chances of that ever being an issue. My understanding is that color control is almost never used.
  10. I totally understand how much safer it is to fly in the daytime, I still don't want the restriction. I'm positive that even if 99.9 percent of my flights are in daylight hours, one day I'll wish I could fly at night.
  11. I just did my first FAA exam and crap, I failed the colorblind test hard... I didn't get a single slide right. I've never felt like I had a problem with colors before No one has ever diagnosed me with this so I was totally unprepared for what I heard next. No night flying or flying by "color control". Anyone else do the whole dog and pony show to get this restriction lifted with a demonstration of ability? How bad would it be to only travel by day assuming I fail that too?
  12. Thank you!! I appreciate that.
  13. Can someone explain the executive model? Is it a bit larger?
  14. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!
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