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  1. Thanks Bravoman. I will check.
  2. I am looking for a hangar close to the southern border of Georgia with Florida. Maybe in the Valdosta area or within say 100 miles. It would be needed from April to the end of June. The aircraft would not be flown during that period.
  3. Thanks Glen. I found the lightweight cover on the Bruce website. Could be just what I need. My hangar in Florida is almost dust free which more than can be said for the hangar down here in St. Vincent (southern Caribbean). It is new building and the floor has not yet even sealed or painted. You can guess, but free is free! I have some dust sheets thrown over for the time being.
  4. Thanks for the info. I was just being mean and trying to find out if there was a used one available. The cover is not for outside use so the condition is not that important. Mike
  5. Hi All, I am looking for a Long Body (Bravo) cockpit cover. Mike
  6. I agree Cruiser. In fact I contacted Mike Busch and that was basically his reply. Some times when buying there there may be limits to what can be included in the deal. Knowing what may be needed determines the final price that I will offer. Has anyone had experience with this particular replacement schedule? Parts cost, hours required? Mike
  7. I am looking at buying a Bravo. In my research I found a post by "kgbpost" in 2012 that refers to a problem he had after buying his aircraft as follows: "4-10-01 - Replacement Schedule, Item; Check Valve Manifolds, Check Valves and Regulator - Replace Time Limits; 10 Years from the date of maunufacture (date of manufacture encoded in serial number - refer to Parker service literature)." This seemed to be quite an extensive job and he had to ferry the aircraft for it to be completed. I have looked in the MM (M20M) dated Feb 2006, RevA May 2014, and there does not seem to be any reference to this requirement in Section 4 - Airworthiness Limitations. The only requirement is for the "V" clamp. Does anyone know the latest requirement for this replacement? Or has everyone converted to electric? Thanks Mike
  8. Nik, I think that Ovation is all but sold. It looks as though we are after the same aircraft! Mike
  9. M20M - from what I have read the aircraft seems to burn significantly more fuel than the Ovation. Anyone have "real world" figures? I will definitely revisit the aircraft. Is it operated like a 252 i.e. set take off power (check Ts & Ps etc) TOC set MAP and RPM? Can you fly LOP? I know it is a "go fast" aircraft but sometimes range is more important. I believe in Mike Busch's techniques. They seem to work well for him. (I know he is flying different engines) Anyone near me (97FL) 10 north of Leesburg, FL that will give me a short test flight in January? I would of course fly to your "base". Incidentally when I was speaking to "LJ" at Zephyr Engines he stated that any Continental 550 fitted with a Skytec starter would have problems. Something to do with torque applied at right angles? I will visit the Bravo section of this website.
  10. Hi Steve, As a non-US citizen I can only spend 6 months out of 12 in the US so I split my time between Florida (97FL), St. Vincent (TVSA) southern Caribbean - my primary residence and 2 - 4 weeks a year in Europe - UK/Germany. For 4 years I flew a Wing Derringer back and forward to the "Islands". I sold it earlier this year and bought a M20J in which I have done 2 trips. Although it is a great aircraft, for that trip it is really at the limit for range and speed. We did fly back once in a day but it was a long day! We usually overnight in Puerto Plata, DR in both directions. 3 trips in a year are approximately 65 hours. The remainder of our flying is usually around Florida. The M20J is set to go to a new home in January. I was RAF trained - C130s. A UK airline - Vickers Viscounts. Cathay Pacific - L1011, B747-200/300/400. Retired early to go "Blue Water" sailing, ended up flying Islander, AC50, C402 in the Caribbean. Sailed up to US. Got a job flying Learjet 25/35/55/60 in Florida. 2005 US immigration would not renew my visa.Sailed back to the Caribbean to set up a jet operation C550/CJ3. Retired 2010. Bought house at Love's Landing (97FL) to keep flying. My wife said that I was driving her crazy because I couldn't get in an aircraft! For the past 4 - 6 months I have been looking at various Mooney types, turbo and NA. 231, 252, Missile, Rocket, Eagle/Screaming Eagle, Ovation. They are all suitable, it's just that some are more suitable than others! The flight down to St. Vincent is an interesting planning situation. By being able to select a cruise altitude between say 8K and 18K it is usually possible to find a tailwind, or at least reduce the headwind significantly. Refuelling in the Bahamas or Turks and Caicos is expensive. If possible a non stop from Florida to Puerto Rico, not a great stopover at this time, to refuel and then on to St Croix. Or non stop Florida - St. Croix, 1024nm. The advantage of these 2 stops is, US soil to US soil. No eApis etc. until clearing out at TISX. Carrying max fuel out of TISX reduces the fuel uplift in TVSA to a minimum or zero. 100LL is $9.00/gal in TVSA!!! There are several other considerations, but I think you get the idea. The budget is $160K but I suppose that could be pushed out a little. I seem to have gone on a bit but reducing it any further would have given full picture. Mike
  11. I am seriously in the market for an Eagle/Screaming Eagle or an early Ovation or possibly a Rocket. If you have, or know of one that may be available you can PM me directly. I have looked at all the aircraft that are currently listed.
  12. Hi Niko, As you know buying an aircraft is a very personal activity. We all look for different attributes. If you would like you can PM me as I don't think that I want an open discussion on a third party aircraft. I have seen this before on this forum and it usually does not benefit anyone. Still looking for an early Ovation or Eagle.
  13. Thanks for the recommendations, unfortunately I decided not to go ahead. Anyone know where there is a nice Eagle or early Ovation?
  14. Robert C Is that "Reliant Air", Danbury?
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