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FlyingCop last won the day on August 11 2016

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  1. It seems we are similarly situated, and thinking along the same lines. However, perhaps I would be better off getting an F or J, as I have two small boys (currently ages 5 and 7) who are likely to grow as tall as me (6' 3"). I figure by the time the outgrow the short-body Cherokee, I will be in a position to move up to a long-body Mooney.
  2. Hello again! I promise I am taking good care of your old bird. I will definitely take you up on your offer. I'll fly the little Cherokee up to CXO and show you her new paint job when it is done.
  3. Yes, my experience with AAA was great. They said they wanted to treat me right so I would return to buy my next plane from them, and I will probably will. Good guys. I'm afraid I only get to daydream about flying at work. I've spent most of my career as an investigator, and am currently doing a two year rotation doing internal investigations. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? -Roman poet Juvenal (Who will watch the watchmen?) Apparently, me for two years. lol
  4. I see in your profile you are at IWS, which is very near me. Perhaps I could check out what you are doing with your F model sometime.
  5. That is a pretty sweet bird. Besides the money, and am looking to hit a few other milestones before stepping up to another plane. I would like to finish up my instrument rating for sure.
  6. Thank you for the kind welcome!
  7. Cool! I keep mine at EYQ.
  8. You are probably right, but I'd hate to lead them on. Realistically, I won't be ready to buy one for another 4 years or so. But a man can dream, right?
  9. Hi everyone! My name is Jack, and I am a new member from Houston. I am a police officer in these parts, hence my username. I currently own a 1967 Cherokee 180 I purchased several years ago from a Mooney dealer, All American Aircraft in the San Antonio area. I am interested in learning more about Mooneys, and possibly having one as my next bird. In the mean time, my Cherokee is in a paint shop getting gussied up. Perhaps if someone is flying from Houston to the San Antonio area around 8/20, they can give me a real-life introduction to a Mooney? Doesn't hurt to ask, right? Anyhow, I look forward to learning more about Mooneys and contributing what I can to this forum. Cheers, Jack
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