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  1. Thanks! I appreciate the replies. The prop is a three blade and it is nearly new. I havent checked the engine mounts. The tail has some movement but not much. I am leaning toward engine mounts too. Thanks again and more comments are welcome! Thx!
  2. Im in the NE corner of KS. Was hoping someone would have some advice to check first before I take it somewhere. Does this Don guy take phone calls? Maybe I could just visit with him first. THX
  3. 66 E model has a small med freq vibration in staright and level flight. Just enough to shake the yokes a little. My mechanic suggested it might be the tail bushings or the screw jack assembly so we decided to try this....we would trim it up and push the nose down and trim it down and push the nose up in flight in an attempt to put pressure on the tail hinges/screw jack to see if that stopped the vibration. It did not However in staright and level flight if you begin a climb or a decent the vibration stops until you level out again. Any thoughts????
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