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  1. Hello. I am new to the forum and have a question. A little background first - I am just getting into flying, almost ready for solo. I have been training in a Cessna 152 and 172. My goal is to get my commercial rating. I am planning on purchasing my own aircraft. For the money, I think a Mooney is the best deal, but is it the best option to continue my training in? I have heard from friends that it is not the best "trainer" and can be a "slippery" airplane. I have flown a low wing (Beech Sundowner) so I do know what a low wing is like. I would like to own a Mooney, but not sure on which model is best for me. My budget is no more that 60K. I was also wondering about annual costs. Would an older plane with mechanical gear be cheaper in an annual and more reliable as far as dependability when flying? And as far as size goes, I think a Ranger is to small, but don't think I need an Executive either. We (my wife and I) plan mostly on flying from Southwest Michigan to Greenville South Carolina so space and comfort would be nice (especially for her). So, I just want to be wise in my purchase and appreciate any advice you can give. Thanks in advance.
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