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Everything posted by dac

  1. Congratulations on your new acquisition, many happy and safe flights. Very nice looking plane
  2. Ok, please let me rephrase my question about determining the weight of a factory removed radar unit. For those of you removed the units did you a ) follow the procedure detailed by M201MKTurbo in the above post ? b ) use the weight and arm information that you might have found in the POH ? c ) reweigh the aircraft ? What I'm really after here is a hard number, and not just an estimate, as to the useful load increase afford by removing the factory RADAR Thank you
  3. For those of you who have removed the factory RADAR from your 201/231/252 how did you determine the weight gain of removing the unit ? When you removed it did you get all the various parts and pieces including the extra vacuum filter and all the piping leading out the wing unit ? I have M20K with factory wing mounted radar unit and a monochrome display and I'm considering removing it.
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