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  1. Nice summary - thanks for sharing Andy. I had never heard the 'twist' when moving the handle before. I'll have to give that a try and see if it works easier. I disagree with early retraction of the gear. I just keep my airspeed down by keeping my climb rate up. But - it's always a personal choice / philosophy.
  2. I don't know about a two fingered extension and retraction technique... here is what I do... Climb Out: Try to maintain steady 80 kt airspeed. Wrap my hand around the grip with thumb on the release button. Press the button and pull down on the grip to release the gear and retract. Sometime, if I'm climbing too quickly, or if I'm going too fast (darn mooneys), I'll need to do the "mooney wave" - basically unload the g forces on the plane to neutral or slightly negative, and then extend the gear so I'm not putting excessive force on the gear extension assembly. Landing: Much easier - firmly grip the gear handle and release it from the holding position, push it into catch mechanism until it clicks in securely. Check gear down lights and try to push my thumbnail between the bar and socket. If I can, then the gear is not secure. Then I have my passenger re-buckle their seatbelt that I just unhooked. Then check gear down 3, 6, 8 more times before I land! Hope that helps... happy flying!
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