Oh yeah did I forget to mention it might need at least one leaking tank fixed. . Ones pretty damn close to empty so Id assuming....
As for engine moisture I am familiar with that from boats and planes.
Pretty much the only thing this doesn't have wrong, YET is airframe, corrosion. Lmao
I'm sure I'm making it sound worse than it actually is, in reality
I would do a pre buy with someone I trust.
If I were to fly it
As far as avionics goes, the stuff supposedly works, it's just really outdated, it's got old auto pilot etc , but it would be a day vfr deal for me, I wouldn't paint it, I wouldn't update avionics, I'd simply fix what's needed for safety, and fly as is. Though I might do new covers on the seats , I've done auto upholstery on older cars so that's no big deal to do myself.
I don't care about looks safety is my only concern.
I'd fly it for a while and part it out when something broke and needed replacement that was deal breaker,
obviously all of this is after a good pre buy and safety inspection, check for corrosion in the engine.
the battery was charged and the plane started immediately oil is super clean and supposed to be 300 hrs smoh , plane seems to have been last flown regularly in 2011 or 2012.
I parted out classic cars for years, my friends father parted planes and did quite well but he does jets now.
What's it worth as a part out? It's got a low time engine good for a vans RV or something after corrosion check and a good new 1 piece windshield at the very least.
I've seen Some nice mooney's even in the $30k range This just seemed like a good local deal at first , I was ready to run away, but my mooney buddy still thinks its a good purchase. Figured he knew more than me he owns one and has redone it top to bottom,
That's why I figured Id ask here first too, maybe I was missing something.