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  1. I think I titled it appropriately, my question was "what's it worth if anything." What I didn't post was the exact end use because until I dig in I won't really know. The options are 1 parting it out. 2 fly it as is with little repair, then part it out Or 3 (least likely) restore and keep. The real question is to do anyone of these things, I need to decide what if anything is a safe price to pay for the plane as it sits. What I was expecting is answers like: $5k is a safe bet the engine core is worth that! Or the plane has zero value here's why! I can't imagine , planes have zero value, the scrap aluminum has to be worth something, engine cores must have a value, control surfaces must sell to those who have incidents/ accidents. I'd kind of like to hear values you'd put on it as t sits.
  2. Well that was constructive. First of all not everyone here was completely negative on it. Some said restore it, some said part it out. Some said run your azz off. I'm listening to all input. I spent years as a moderator on a website, Ive read every post in my sections, so I've seen the naysayers with cars and boats and Ive seen the guys who dig in and make money and who make great pieces out of what some people scoffed at. I've also seen guys who bought stupid projects and regretted it dearly. I'm trying to figure out which this is, if it's is worth getting involved in at all and at what price does it become worth it. If I can get it for $2000 your saying it's not worth buying a possible low time 200 hp fuel injected engine? The cores worth that. How about $5000? How about $10,000.? I'm not sure where it will end up, but I'm sure there's some number where just about anyone on this site would buy it to either take a chance or part it out and feel comfortable. This was a "what's it worth" thread after all. I actually appreciate all of your input very much, even this... Because it shows me just how insane you think someone would have to be to get involved, but others may not agree. Listening to all of it, is what makes this America and what makes this a great country.
  3. Here's the thing, I've built cars, here's my 69 firebird 960 hp! All 100% self designed and built every nut, every bolt,every weld! http://www.mayhemturbo.com So I'm not afraid of putting a little elbow grease into it. I'm kind of partial to turbo- anything so this turbocharged mooney is kind of a nice fit. However, I don't like to spend stupid money just to burn it. If I found the right parts inexpensively. I might just fix it up. I do have A&Ps I could work with on it. I don't have my own hangar but I am sure I could bunk w someone at my airport for a little cash. My big concern is having a plane that's safe. A freind of mine has a Cherokee 140 for sale but , I'm not sure that's me. I rode CR500s, race 1000 hp cars, most pictures of my boats there's no water touching the hull because it's flying through the air. I like the mooney's because they get their fast , sip fuel and look good doing it. I'm much more of a cautious person in a plane than anything else, but the turbocharged mooney's got a bit of a cool factor. IMO Your not going to see 25 of those lined up at a fly in and that's what initially attracted me to it. So if I found it was rebuild able things weren't all as bad as they seemed Id at least have something a little interesting.
  4. Absolutely agree, we see that a lot with boats guys change the engine, cheap out on hoses and things break when they start running it. Can pull over and bobble around in a boat not in a plane. 100% agreed Playing devils advocate here a little: I will say everything firewall forward looks new and he stated he changed it all at the same time. Id of course want to verify that during the pre buy. (If I go that far) What was told to me was that he wasn't concerned about the avionics it all worked, he was the only one who flew it and the paint and interior didn't bother him and his health was failing so he let it go.. Parts of the plane are still nice and shiny, it just looks like that 80s clear coat failed as it did on so many cars.( Probably should have used Imron or single stage)He did the mechanicals for obvious reasons but then got sick and couldn't fly anymore. Also says he Kept up on the engine/corrosion in hopes he could fly in the future but has realized that's just not going to happen.
  5. Btw. I do appreciate the responses and the honesty. Part of the reason Im thinking of parting it out Is another thread where a guy has corrosion, it was stated these planes are all worth more I parts than as planes. (Lightbulb) Then figured if I good get some hours in it on top of that its a win win!
  6. ok so I've got to ask why a mooney doesn't qualify as a low cost time builder. Keep in mind Im a neewbie. I get that annuals will be more expensive due to complex but aside from that?
  7. Oh yeah did I forget to mention it might need at least one leaking tank fixed. . Ones pretty damn close to empty so Id assuming.... As for engine moisture I am familiar with that from boats and planes. Pretty much the only thing this doesn't have wrong, YET is airframe, corrosion. Lmao I'm sure I'm making it sound worse than it actually is, in reality I would do a pre buy with someone I trust. If I were to fly it As far as avionics goes, the stuff supposedly works, it's just really outdated, it's got old auto pilot etc , but it would be a day vfr deal for me, I wouldn't paint it, I wouldn't update avionics, I'd simply fix what's needed for safety, and fly as is. Though I might do new covers on the seats , I've done auto upholstery on older cars so that's no big deal to do myself. I don't care about looks safety is my only concern. I'd fly it for a while and part it out when something broke and needed replacement that was deal breaker, obviously all of this is after a good pre buy and safety inspection, check for corrosion in the engine. the battery was charged and the plane started immediately oil is super clean and supposed to be 300 hrs smoh , plane seems to have been last flown regularly in 2011 or 2012. I parted out classic cars for years, my friends father parted planes and did quite well but he does jets now. What's it worth as a part out? It's got a low time engine good for a vans RV or something after corrosion check and a good new 1 piece windshield at the very least. I've seen Some nice mooney's even in the $30k range This just seemed like a good local deal at first , I was ready to run away, but my mooney buddy still thinks its a good purchase. Figured he knew more than me he owns one and has redone it top to bottom, That's why I figured Id ask here first too, maybe I was missing something.
  8. My friend has a very nicely restored mooney, this plane got me very interested in the mooney line. As a new pilot Im not looking to spend a lot of money to get in the air, I perf boat, and race cars already so flying budget is low. So when a not so clean mooney popped up I figured Id take a look. The plane is a 63 or 64 turbo normalized, m20e its in less than perfect shape, paint is base clear and the clear is falling off all over the plane, in fact in some areas it's through to the primer, all the pucks in the gear are shot, the interior is pretty well in need of a full replacement. It does have a good low time, fuel injected 200 hp engine, avionics are old original type, radios are out of the plane so not sure about the condition of those, it runs good but has been sitting a while( few years, said to be started on and off to keep it oiled.) The big kicker is the plane has two damage history notes, one gear up landing little to no damage. The other was a power line strike! Landed safely without, rudder and stabilizer. However that was back in 79. I know your probably all saying run don't walk away! Either that or is this post for real. Yes it's for real, my friend who owns the mooney flew over and looked at it with me and thinks it could be an inexpensive time builder, with a little work. Worst case scenario part it out Figured Id get the thoughts of more mooney guys here, and especially some thoughts on its value as it sits. Sorry I don't have any pics at this time.
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