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About paulwireless

  • Birthday 06/28/1965

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  • Location
    Las Vegas
  • Interests
  • Model
    M20R wanted

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  1. All- Thanks for the sage advice. Unlike when I was 28, at 48 I recognize that my flying will entail mentoring, patience (avoiding the temptation to buy prematurely) and endorsement by the "off-base commander". Paul
  2. If I may jump in to this relevant (to me) discussion, given the expected further depreciation in aircraft values would the group recommend a new pilot purchase a $90-$120k Mooney now because it is completely depreciated over a more recent $250k+ aircraft. My thought process is focused on glass vs. non glass instrument flying for recreation use for 400NM max missions I plan to work up to over the next 5-8 years. I'm 48 and have under 25 hours. I'm back into GA after 14 year hiatus where I just paid AOPA dues (late). I will continue to rent beyond training for a while but I'm curious what the group has to say about buying the older plane vs. the one you think you'll never outgrow. BTW, I joined yesterday and this my first post.
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