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  1. Need a fuel cap for our 78 201. Please email what you have and asking price. Robin Hou rmhou@yahoo.com
  2. We are flying to Loreto this weekend. I have done my home work and am ready to file or already filed my DVFR flight plans, both U.S. and Mexico eAPIS, and am comfortable about the required procedure for crossing the border and dealing with customs. However, I found no information online about FBO service, overnight parking and fees. If you have been to Loreto, Mexico, recently, can you share your experience? I am looking for fuel and overnight parking only. What are my options, and is there a high price FBO that I should avoid? Thanks in advance for your comments.
  3. Working when removed with around 300 hours in service. It has been stored indoor for the last 3 years.Payment via PayPal or cash only. Please see eBay listing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141752896578?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Demo video: https://youtu.be/0sOxlenj7Xg
  4. Thank you. I will call Lasar. Robin
  5. It is N201SK. Seller posted it for sale on Mooneyspace since July. If you know anything about this airplane, please let me know; private message is fine. Thank you, Robin
  6. Hi Dave, It is good seeing a familiar face here. No plan to sell the CJ or Pazmany yet. I know Top Gun. They did the repair on my Pazmany. Thanks, I will give Mark a call. I look forward attending one of your formation clinics when we get our Mooney. Robin
  7. My partner and I are looking for an AP or IA to do a prebuy inspection in San Carlos Airport KSQL or Cameron Air Park O16. Any referral is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Robin Hou
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