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Everything posted by Rrawlings3452

  1. The 1977 came with the 40:1 gears so that should be good to go and I believe it's the Dukes motor and they are now out of business so a rebuild may be the way to go if new is not an option.
  2. After a manual gear extension and an uneventful landing I discovered a flat spot in the landing gear motor of my 1977 M20J. Now I'm on the hunt for a new motor, but having no luck finding a replacement can anyone help?
  3. Since the autopilot does not have altitude hold, it would seem to me there would be no relationship between the electric trim and the ap. Thus eliminating the ap disconnect mentioned previously. I plan to run several voltage checks this week I will keep everyone posted as to what I discover for future reference.
  4. There is no altitude hold it does seen like the jacks screw may need lubrication, one other concern is the seat is somewhat broken down and when sitting there may be some pressure on the trim wheel.
  5. The ap is a century IIB does this help?
  6. The auto pilot is a century II
  7. My switches look different I'll try to get a picture soon to help identify them.
  8. Electric trim has never worked since I purchased the plane a few months ago. Each yoke has a up and down single rocker switch. There is a toggle switch that says left and right this changes witch yoke trim switch is active.
  9. I'm still unable to locate the trim motor need further help
  10. I went to check the trim knob and realized it is much stiffer I can not move it with just my fingers (like my Cessna and Cherokee) it takes a whole hand grab and turn. This being my first Mooney I figured that's just the nature of the beast. Let me known if this changes everyone's opinion.
  11. It will be a few days before I can get over to the hangar, but I will let you know if any of these options work. I'm also fighting a short or what I think is a shirt in the landing light. When I flip in the landing light switch the entire panel dims and the landing light does not come on has anyone ever experienced this?
  12. Thanks everyone this is a great help, if it is the motor where is the motor located??
  13. The trim wheel does turn easily and the jack screw seems well lubticated, there is no breaker pop wen using either switch. I am unable to get movement up or down from either switch on both yokes.
  14. My 77 M20J has electric trim control buttons on each yoke (which seems to be rare). However the electric trim will not function from either yoke. There is a left right electric trim toggle switch flipping that does not help. We have reset the breaker and cycled the electric trim on/off toggle switch and still nothing does anyone have any ideas?
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