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Everything posted by usafhaynes1

  1. I do have all logs! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I don't recall the repainted date. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Turns out, it was the USB adapter. It was not rated for 2.1 amps. I put another adapter in and it works great. Although the new issue is I'm selling my plane due more useful load needs. Looking at a twin Comanche but have to sell this one first.
  4. 1966 Mooney M20C. $40,000. Selling to upgrade to a twin. TTAF 5292.8, SMOH 922.3. Solid IFR plane with many new parts! Fresh annual June 2015. Replaced boost pump/vacuum pump/VOR cable. 2014 annual replaced new front nose truss, new steering rod joints, aileron control links, overhauled roll servo, overhauled transponder, altimeter and artificial horizon, new vertical card compass. Tanks resealed 2010. New ELT battery Aug 2014. Pitot static due May 2016. Standard 6 pack gauges KX-155 w/ glideslope KI-209 King ADF STEC 55 2 axis w/ alt hold & GPSS steering, Autopilot will couple to VOR/Localizer/GPS/heading bug. Apollo 2001 NMS VFR GPS. Flown regularly (8 hours per month) Stratus 2 included. Hangared at KMEI. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I used this device yesterday while I got my ifr currency back. The iPhone is definitely not in my scan pattern yet as I'm still glued to all the other gauges. I guess it will take time. On another note, I have to charge the usb charger as the phone lost 25% in one hour even on charge. I think I installed a 1 amp charger adapter, not a 2.1 amp. Will check that today as I'm flying out. Otherwise, when I did check it during holds, it verified I was in a standard rate turn so I think it's a great backup tool. The instructor thought it was money; very impressed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. The app name was stratus horizon but it's no longer offered in the App Store. That's strange. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thought I'd share this. Mounted my iPhone six plus using a ram mount. It's clipped on to aircraft in old ADF tray using a 2004 Chevy proclipusa console mount (no drilling required!) and attached using a ram mount base. It's using the horizon app connected to a stratus 2. Nothing is permanently mounted and power cable runs to a 4 port charger. I use foreflight on iPad mini with synthetic vision but this is always a good backup as I'm about to get my ifr currency back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I have an annual due in May and am looking for an A&P in the MS area. I tried one out of Hattiesburg last year but he overcharged me by over $1k. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Did a test flight in my Mooney M20C last Saturday for a radio issue and fouled spark plug and all went well, everything was in the green. Yesterday I took a quick local flight to watch sunset with spouse and noticed that my fuel pressure went from 4 psi down to 1 psi. Is this a possible fuel leak or mechanical fuel pump failing?
  10. I purchased the KX-155 as used through Pacific Coast Avionics, Aurora, Oregon. They had a 90 day warranty. I sent the radio back for repair in which they sent it to Gulf Coast Avionics and after about a month, I received it with repaired, return to service documentation. The radio had the exact same issue as before; broken unreadable comm with tower at the end of the runway (the original and friends radio had no issues while on the ground). The radio would not transmit more than 5 NM (original and friends radio transmit receive were loud and clear). Luckily, I just mailed off the radio back to Pacific Coast Avionics for a full refund. Interestingly enough, when I sent the radio back for repair, they gave me 3 options: 1. full refund, 2. repair, 3. replace. I requested replace and after two weeks they responded unable to replace, refund or repair. I selected repair and it didn't work out. Oh well.
  11. I took a friends KX-155 and flew 6 NM out; it had no issues on the radio side, his radio sounded better than the original in the plane!! I did find that even his radio wasn't picking up a VOR/ILS signal so I'm sure that is a cabling issue. I'm returning the KX-155 I purchased and have decided that instead of paying for troubleshooting of another used KX-155, I'm simply going to return the current unit, put that 2k back in the bank and save until I have enough for a GNC 250 radio. Now....does anyone know a good avionics installer in the southeast? The last dealer I contacted wanted $5000 to install a $4000 radio.
  12. I appreciate the input. I'm testing a friends KX-155 today if it has the same connectors. If I get the same issue of transmit/receive/ils issues, then it's definitely an antenna issue and I'll get it repaired. If not, I'll return the radio.
  13. So...dilemma. I purchased a used KX-155 and swapped it out. It wouldn't transmit/receive more than 5 miles. I sent it back (90 day warranty) and just got the radio back one week ago. I got a good radio check on the ground but as soon as I taxied out for takeoff, I still had the same problem I did the first time. I could hear the tower just fine, but they couldn't hear me. I swapped out back to the original KX-155 and had no problems with transmit or receive except when I go above 6000'. At this point, I'm ready to send back the replacement, get my money back and save some more to buy a GNC 255 with reliable installation. I don't want to go down the troubleshooting rabbit hole wasting money. My thoughts on this are because of the following: Original KX-155 (no G/S) 1. Transmit/receive is fine as long as I stay below 6000' 2. Nav doesn't work at all (board is probably bad) 3. Will have to stay VFR until I get a replacement radio. Replacement KX-155 (w G/S) 1. Transmit is weak/unreadable on the ground more than 100 yards 2. VOR/ILS not responsive (handheld picked up the ILS just fine from same position) I don't think this is a wiring issue since the same type of radio works fine; frustrating. On a good note, I bought a used Apollo 2001 NMS replacement for $10 off ebay. It works and is connected to the auotpilot. Not too bad for VFR flying.
  14. I bought the Yaesu FTA750L backup nav/com with ILS capability. For $400, it provides some great capability so far. But, my initial trials with the headset adapter (included) were not promising as I was getting major feedback when attempting to transmit. The solution? I bought a $25 antenna adapter kit and remoted the antenna away from the radio. I tested the radio today and the signal is clear as well as picking up the localizer inside the hangar! I tried to mount the handheld in multiple positions and after cussing out the curvature of the window on the side, realized I would not be able to get suction on the mount. So...I've put the radio in the center and it does not hinder my view. I also used the RAM universal 2-way radio mount with the short suction cup extension. The setup took a bit to adjust for the radio, but I'm able to connect the headset adapter and the power cord as well as have access to all buttons with no issues. It's a decent mount. I'm open to any other ideas for mounting the radio; my goal being to practice an ILS approach using the backup radio as practice for any real world electrical outage. For anyone concerned with the ADF, I don't use it and the apollo gps in the dash is INOP. I just use the radio and comm panel. Also, I bought the stratus 2 and put it in the back of the plane. I'll have more info about ads-b reception later, but again, in the back, hatch closed, in a hangar and I got a good GPS lock. I'm going to get a usb extension cable and plug it into a 4 port (with on/off switches!) dc adapter so I can have the handheld radio, ipad mini, stratus 2 and eventually the skyguardtwx uat ads-b out transmitter all powered. I initially purchased an ipad mini 32g with data and was using it, but I just found a wifi 16g model for $296 at walmart yesterday; couldn't pass up the opportunity for a secondary (backup) foreflight! I've already ordered a second ram mount for the co-pilot yoke. I'll mount it vertically as the skyguard app doesn't work in horizontal mode. I'll eventually use the backup as my primary device hooked to skyguard to change mode 3 and get my ads-b out info into the stratus 2. I've already seen a youtube video of someone utilizing both. They initialize the skyguard on wifi and once set, they hook to the stratus 2. I've tried the mini in vertical view on the pilot side, but with the integration of AHRS into the app and wanting visible approach plates, it's just easier to read in horizontal position versus vertical. I just need to go practice some ILS approaches to be comfortable with the setup.
  15. My replacement kx-155 should be here by Tuesday. I already received my fta-750l that has both comm/nav/ils capability. I checked it out today and picked up a vor 51 miles out. I'm waiting on the antenna kit and mount as well as the stratus 2 for my iPad mini. I think that is enough redundancy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The g/s is wired, I've already checked the connections.
  17. The plane has all the wiring for glideslope, I checked prior to doing anything.
  18. So....here is the plan I selected. Avionics shop quoted me 30-50 hours @100 per hour to install a new radio; not an option. They wanted $300 to bench test to see if the could "repair" nav board and then install glideslope for $1000 on my current kx155; not worth it. They also didn't want any broke avionics. They were only interested in buying working avionics. I now have a broke ki-209 and half broke kx-155 I don't need and aren't worth much. My radio was a 069-1024-30. I found a 069-1024-31 for just under $2k with 90 day warranty. I bought it and went ahead and bought a kta750l handheld radio with ILS capability. The 550l couldn't do glideslope. Now I have a primary radio and a handheld backup if ever needed. I should have everything installed by next Monday.
  19. After taking the advice to check the antenna connections, I drove out to the airport and pulled the radio. The SN was 069-1024-30, 14V WITHOUT GS!!! After inciting really angry words internally, an overhaul of this radio is simply not an option. I have two choices. 1. Buy a KX-155 with a glideslope. Use the current radio as a secondary with no nav function. 2. Buy the Garmin and pay for the installation. A part of this decision is really based on what an avionics shop chop off the install price for the following equipment: 1. INOP KI-209 (I've got a yellow tag on the way) 2. Working Bendix KR-86 (I simply don't use it) 3. Apollo 2001 NMS (the VFR model that isn't receiving GPS signal without the "fix") I've no problem with a shop pulling out the avionics I'm not using as a tradeoff for putting in a new garmin. Oh...the antenna connections were good. Thoughts?
  20. I'm all about sharing my experiences in hopes that people don't suffer the same issues I have. Right now I've another post on a radio problem....never stops right?
  21. I'm planning on purchasing the Yaesu FTA-550L in the next week, once I had a solid radio replacement solution. My IFR plans are to bust through cloud decks, never through rough weather and run screaming from thunderstorms. My minimums right now are 900-1000' ceiling, any lower and I find an alternate path. The reason? I've only been flying IFR for 12 months, I flew into home field where ceiling was reported as 900' only to get there and it was down to minimums (I broke out about 680' and min's were 625'). On the IFR note, this is why I'm thinking new radio instead of refurbished...it really is a trust issue. Even with a handheld, my pucker factor would go into heart attack mode if I lost electrical on a flight and that would kill both radios. Risk mitigation!!! I just got back from a quick weekend flight to see family. My plane is being put back in the hangar. I'll check next weekend on the connector issue, but the plane did just get an annual in April prior to purchase. One would assume that the mechanic checked the connections? Then again, he sent back two yellow tag KI-209's due no signal without checking the radio. He didn't even know the 155 wasn't receiving an ident signal when I brought up the issue. One reason it may not be a connection issue. While taking my first flight, I tuned in four different VOR's and of those, none received a signal through the radio but one freq did pop the "to" sign on the broken VOR. To me, that is a signal getting through, though intermittently.
  22. Oh. I don't fly without my iPad mini and foreflight with approach plates! Especially after the last update. Now I just need a stratus 2 after I take care if the radio issue. With only one radio, I really don't want a "hit or miss" issue. What is the reliability of a repaired kx-155? How long before I have trust issues, especially in ifr flight? This is why I'm leaning away from used avionics versus new radio. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I recently purchased a 1966 M20C which has some...dated...avionics. An ADF I need removed, apollo 2001 NMS (the one that no longer receives sat signal!) and a KX-155 that apparently has a bad nav board since it will not ident morse code, nor send info to the KI-209. I saw a Narco package deal with dual everything which would provide some redundancy but Narco is gone and if the unit goes bad...well...money lost. I'm not sure how much it would cost to repair the KX-155 and if it would even be worth it since parts availability is sparse. Right now, I'm looking at getting a GNC-255. A new radio for $3800'ish that will push nav info to the KI-209 per the website and give years of faithful service (hopefully?). The question is how much does it cost to have a radio installed these days? I just put $35k cash into the plane so my savings are depleted. I need a radio replacement asap instead of 6 months down the road. I'm looking for thoughts on going new versus used. I'm guessing that the install cost would be the same for either?
  24. 1. I'm not a Colonel. I pin on Major next month. 2. I do not know the actual cost of repairing the gear. I only know that the mechanic replaced the nose truss (LASAR) and the linkage to the truss (again, LASAR). Sorry about vague answer, but the owner paid the bill for all the repairs, I just bought the plane!
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