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Are you kidding? I think your the only person out there that can afford to run one right now!



Just joking! The only other one flying on a regular basis right now is located in Wimauma, Florida. Got a pic of yours?



That' funny mine came from Wimauma Florida is there another one there?



There are a few more than that flying, one in California, a couple in Texas, one in North Dakota, one in Alaska and two or three in Florida. Of the19 still on FAA registry I would guess a lot of them are still flying.



Hey guys - My father and I had a Mustang around 2006' - Now we have parts...lots of parts. We will have an auction on November 1st - November 7th....starting each item at .99 or a fair price on E-Bay. You can see the list (or I can E-mail the list to ya) on E-bay now - I have just put up a faux ad listing all the parts....Everything from Flaps to Instrument panels. These are all M22 Mustang parts...If you need any info or if you could pass this message on to another M22 owner that needs parts please feel free to email me....Thanks--------------  PitardStephen@yahoo.com



I am interested in the Mustang.  What do I need to watch out for in this aircraft?  I am used to $$$ since I have owned a 1978 Turbo Lance for 20+ years.



I have a Mustang, a good airplane that was before it's time! Problem with this aircraft is parts avialbility mostly engine parts practilly nothing available for engine. I just had all new glass made for mine at a cost of 11K. They used my old glass to make molds and make me new. Mustang is a fast well designed pressurized and unique aircraft but it's not an airplane for someone that can't do there own work and doesn't want to be challenged to keep it flying. Good luck! Tom

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