Hi all,
My cowl flap indicator position light is out. On questioning my mechanic, he says the entire indicator has to be replaced and he says that Mooney is no longer making them? Ok its not such a big deal with a cowl flap indicator, but I heard the same is true for the elevator trim and rudder indicator lights as if those go out would be a bigger deal. Does anyone know if these are replaceable? I have now memorized the position from full deflection that is my takeoff trim and rudder trim p
Problem solved!!
With the help of John B, I called and got ahold of Lonnie in the Avionics shop at LASAR. He said that there is a Pico Fuse (1/4 amp) that goes bad on these circuits and needs to be replaced. It is wired into the circuit board. They send them out to an electronics shop to be repaired.
I ordered 10 pico fuses from Mouser and had a radio shop replace one in 10 minutes and the problem is solved on my trim indicator. It is the same fuse that goes bad on the Trim, Flaps, Co