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Overreaction - again

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A court has ruled in our favor on the EPA's decision to go after AVGAS. While this is just the first of many hurdles, it brings to mind the posts from last year when some were saying the end is near. My response has always been that things move slowly and not to overreact. 


Somewhat related, I was also criticized last year when there was a tremendous amount of talk of impending user fees. My position back then, as it is now, was that while it will most probably happen sometime in the future, the time wasn't ripe - and I was right.





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Not to mention I bought lots of real estate in 2007 and than sold it all in 2009.....I am doing good tho..I plan to retire in 2035...about 3 years after my average life expectancy


Thanks for writing this! Too funny. Reminds me of another story. A friend of mine from Argentina was living there during the economic collapse during the early part of the century. It was an ugly time for him. Housing values plummeted, the banks locked their doors and when they re-opened, his money was worth 40% of its original value.


 Our company moved him to the States. I was helping him get setup to live here. One step was to move his company pension stuff over to our U.S. systems. In that system, there is a retirement planner. He ran his numbers and he happily called me up saying “Senor, good news! I can retire at the age of 152!” He was truly happy because he had a number… And to this day he still calls me to let me know his new number -- down to 82 at this point!

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Record Bar never gave away toasters . . . maybe that's why they closed?


I did get a free dop kit from a bank one time, way back in high school. Used it regularly through college before the vinyl got too torn up.

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If you're interested in real estate, take a look at IRET it is a equity REIT as opposed to a mortgage REIT.  steady dividend since 1973, I knew the principals of the company.  They got listed on the nasdaq in 1998 and now moved to the NYSE in 2012.  

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If you're interested in real estate, take a look at IRET it is a equity REIT as opposed to a mortgage REIT.  steady dividend since 1973, I knew the principals of the company.  They got listed on the nasdaq in 1998 and now moved to the NYSE in 2012.  



"This message brought to you by Mooney aircraft. Mooney - we like to go fast."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Imagine this..you are Chinese business man cranking out cheap products(that often dont work)and as a result finally have an attic full of cash.What to do?You decide to buy a nice airplane and do so paying cash...the thing is ,the military in your country is really paranoid and uneasy  about citizens having  too much personal freedom,so in order to fly you need to file 38 permission forms in order to fly 38 km to nearest joint use airport of which there are only 5.Consequently your expensive airplane stays grounded and you can only invite your inlaws to sit in it and admire how sucessful you are.So heres the deal....live in America where your business is in the can but you and your airplane can fly practically any where you please but cannot afford to do so ,or live in China ,afford practically any airplane but are told you cant fly..

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Choose freedom....


This sounds so obvious till you hear about the kid who got expelled from school for wearing a NRA T shirt. We are giving up our freedom almost every day.

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We are giving up our freedom almost every day.


I see this becoming another contentious thread, but here goes it.


I can't name a single freedom that I've had to give up in the past few years, let alone decades. Of course there are some new restrictions, such as my inability to simply fly into National Airport in DC without running the risk of being shot down, but I don't consider that giving up my freedom. Did I lose freedom after 9/11, perhaps, between warrantless wiretaps and other Patriot Act provisions, there are probably some but I wouldn't know until I'm put into a position to find out for myself. I can still travel unrestricted, say whatever I want, when I want (as long as I'm not in the security line!).


Now what you consider freedom and what I consider freedom could be entirely different, in which case we are both right. For example, if you have a permit to carry a gun and your favorite watering hole has a new sign outside proclaiming "no firearms permitted inside" (as I saw recently in Phoenix), then you would feel your freedom has been taken away, but since I don't pack heat, I didn't lose any freedom, so it's subjective.


There are, however, some rights I have had to give up, but through societal and technological changes. No longer am I free to sit in a restaurant without listening to both sides of a cell phone conversation. The real crime is when I can hear the party on the other end of the phone when they don't know someone else is listening in. No longer am I free to sit down during dinner without a telemarketer calling (although there are laws in place). The list goes on and on.


Let the floodgates open.

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I flew home from KYIP.  I was 20 min on the ground waiting for a clearance to depart hopefully before the weather arrived and it took longer than I though.



Is it me or did some of the controllers seem cranky today?

Now that is taking a thread into an entirely new direction!   :)   I suspect they had all sorts of projects lined up at home while on furlough and then suddenly had to come to work..

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