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Advertising - Please give feedback


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Hello all,


I am getting ready to setup the advertising on Mooneyspace.com.  This is a necessary part of maintaining the site and covering my time working on it.  I would like to get 2-3 ads per page and I want to get your input as to where these can go that is as least annoying as possible.  


Keep in mind that they really need to be in the top side of the pages - no one wants to buy or see their ads on the bottom of a page.  While users will always tell you this is where they like to see ads it just is not something you can sell.


Also note that while I will run a generic network like Google for a backup, my plan is to directly sell ads to Mooney/Aviation related companies so hopefully most the ads will be relevant to your likes/needs which is a win/win for all.

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If advertising  must be on each page instead of in a Classified-type forum, could you put them in a vertical banner down one side or the other?


However it goes, I think it will be great to keep this site going, as well as give places to order things while discussing them. I'm about to search for a recent discussion on doghouse fasteners since I forgot to order them at the time.  :(

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If advertising  must be on each page instead of in a Classified-type forum, could you put them in a vertical banner down one side or the other?


However it goes, I think it will be great to keep this site going, as well as give places to order things while discussing them. I'm about to search for a recent discussion on doghouse fasteners since I forgot to order them at the time.  :(


I'd prefer it go across the top.  One of the car websites I go to has some advertising down the left side, and it limits how much left to right space you have.  It's a minor annoyance, but if I could choose.

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I don't mind ads generally speaking, and would really welcome ads for Mooney or aircraft-specific vendors.  Top or side doesn't matter to me, although I'd request that whatever happens that it doesn't screw up the rendering on Tapatalk.  (This is the only forum I read on Tapatalk and perhaps it already strips ads... I don't know)


My only request is to not allow pop-ups, pop-unders, click-to-continue, or other obtrusive and annoying "features".  I doubt you'd consider that style, but thought I'd state my opinion anyway.   :)

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I vote for either a thin banner along the top or a banner above the calendar on the right, or both if needed.  This will allow layout options for the ad designers.

Ad's may be a good thing.  Some new sources may come to the table!

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Thanks for the feedback.  Just a couple notes:


- We cannot have an "ad area" on the site - no one would really visit this and no one would buy the ads there - they want their ads on the regular content pages

- TapaTalk would not have ads as it is an app that literally pulls the post/topic data via a feed and renders it within their app.  So no worries for you there.


Some forums put an ad after the first post - so basically you see the first post and there is a post after that from "the site" that just has a square banner ad in it.  Any thoughts on this?

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Some forums put an ad after the first post - so basically you see the first post and there is a post after that from "the site" that just has a square banner ad in it.  Any thoughts on this?


That wouldn't be a problem for me.  As someone else mentioned, I really dislike the pop up style ads.  Those are very intrusive and distracting.

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I'd be happy to donate again, even annually, to keep the site free of advertising.


I agree with Bennet. I would also be ready to pay to avoid the adds...


However, if we get aviation related ads, in particular ads of people who offer goods and services for our Mooneys it could be useful and help us keep our birds flying.


In terms of design, the Beechtalk have done a nice job. It is not disruptive, while it also provides the user and potential client with useful information.


But bottom line, do what you have to do to keep the forum running.


Thanks for a great side...



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No one will buy ad space unless it is basically shoved down our throats , That is a reality , Use Beechtalk as a template and you will do great......As the factory slowly dies , you may want to get the big MSCs and Lasar and the like to become corporate sponsers......Also you might want to have a resource page that has parts suppliers , insurance agents,  aviation attorneys and the like to sell ad space in , on top of the banners in the threads......... If this takes off maybe we could even have fly in maintence clinics and training seminars like the Beech boys do......

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I suggest encouraging some of the MSC gurus to participate in the forums. Paul at LASAR, Don Maxwell, Dougosh, and Top Gun come to mind. Perhaps the price of admission to the forums would be some sort of acknowledged sponsorship.

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See the image I posted. That seems like an acceptable place to puts ads. One thing I hate on other forums is when the ads force the post text to be lower and you have to see them and scroll past them every time. If you sneak the ads into already existing nooks and crannies, it's fine by me. However, making space specifically for them is unbearably annoying. I really hope to see support from actual mooney vendors rather than generic viagra ads and whatever other garbage plagues the web.


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Please be judicious when selecting advertisers, Craig. Several well established vendors per category with a clear understanding that we can 'discuss' the quality of their services without censorship. Based on my experience, it's a slippery slope when $ is being shelled out.

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