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AI strikes again


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Possibly AI.  Or someone in Marketing/Sales is helping a friend write the ad and they just don't really know planes. 

Where is the ad and can you tell if it was posted by the Owner or a Dealer (read: Dealer's staff wrote it).  Or better yet...  Did a bank repo the plane?  It's some loan guy trying to dump a plane they repo'd !! :D



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Wow, the Bravo typicallynhas 280 hp, often has modern avionics, and cruise speed often reaches around 150 knots!

That makes my C look like an absolute bargain of a speed demon . . . .

But all that aside, what is on this particular Bravo???

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That plane is listed for sale on Gmax's website if I am not mistaken. Very odd to me. Gmax always uses controller and that looks like it's on trade a plane. No way Jimmy ever had anything to do with the trade a plane write up. Wow.

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