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Back Country & Off-Field Landing in a Mooney

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On 12/5/2021 at 4:17 PM, mike20papa said:

This fellow shows you how.

Thanks, Mike - and to everyone who has posted, of course.  Certainly, in the hands of a skilled pilot with lots of hours in this airplane, it's entirely competent for this scenario. 

Well, I went up to walk the field and... no dice.   Looks like Fred (I assume the owner of the ranch that I believe was subdivided to create the Bear Paw Lakes resort, and who may later have sold his remainder) did indeed use the field in the third photo (and earlier post with the satellite image) to fly in and out.  However, the field consists of an upper and lower pasture, and there's now a barbed wire fence and a little drainage diversion ditch about 2/3 of the way toward the bottom (west) end, where these shots are taken. 

I walked the lower portion (horses and cattle grazing in the upper half, beyond the barbed wire with 'no trespass' signs), and it looks it's been a long time since anyone used it.  The tufts of grass have grown up considerably throughout the lower pasture, and the soil has eroded around their root bases, such that the surface would net a pretty rough ride, even if the fence weren't bifurcating the field. 

Better bet in an emergency would be the 2,000' flat and straight stretch of HWY 96 just a short distance to the west in front of the Regina Fire Station, shown in the last photo (looking north).  But you could only access it from the south end, as at about 1,000' and again at the northern end, there are power lines crossing the road.  Plenty of clearance but it'd be hairy trying to drop in from the north.  There is a very nice approach from the south, though, and traffic is so light on this stretch that it's unlikely you'd encounter anybody in a pinch. 






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19 hours ago, Tommooney said:

Here is a video my PAX did. I cant edit so just go to minutes 4 and 11 to see Baja landings on dirt strips in Baja in an Ovation heavy with three PAX and plenty of fuel to go back to Loreto with huge reserve:

These are fine graded dirt runways with regular pireps by BBP pilots. I wouldn't intentionally try anything rougher in my plane.

Take Care


I’ve landed there a few times. Mulege as well. 

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Before any soft field, grass strip landings are attempted the pilot should be proficient at minimal airspeed landings where the elevator is full aft (trim full nose up) and the elevator is maintained all the way back from flair thru roll out.  Most Mooney pilots "nose wheel three point" the landing.  Perhaps get some tail wheel time to understand the meaning of a minimal airspeed landing and get use to a sight picture in the flair that doesn't include much runway.  Touch down on the mains and practice holding the nose wheel off until it touches down under full up elevator, only.  Prop strikes will ruin your day!

Edited by mike20papa
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