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Called the cops on a guy flying a RC airplane inside the bravo on 1 mile final


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I always watch the arriving traffic into TIA on my drive home. I can see the jets on short final through the glass top of the Vette. Today I saw something buzzing around and it turned out to be a RC airplane being flown by a guy in a large industrial parking lot off of Anderson just south of Sligh Ave, approximately one mile north of TIA and directly on the final approach to one of the runways. I snapped a pic or two hastily before traffic forced me to continue. Then I called the Hillsborough Country Sherrifs Department to report the guy. His model airplane was 100 feet high while flying near three hundred to five hundred foot air traffic.

The guy was dressed in all black and was driving a black van. He was of a dark complexion and was performing aerobatics with the RC airplane. I got some crappy pics I'll post later. The dispatcher said she would send someone out and took my name and number.

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I think I met a terrorist once. In 2000 I bought a complete set of 767 manuals off a guy on EBAY he was local so I agreed to meet him so we met in back of an apartment building I don't think he lived there. Got a complete set of manuals and a copy of United Airlines FMS training software. I never told the FBI about it. I still have the stuff. When I asked him about flying and what airline he was trying to get on with, his answers were odd. He was an Arab.

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I think I met a terrorist once. In 2000 I bought a complete set of 767 manuals off a guy on EBAY he was local so I agreed to meet him so we met in back of an apartment building I don't think he lived there. Got a complete set of manuals and a copy of United Airlines FMS training software. I never told the FBI about it. I still have the stuff. When I asked him about flying and what airline he was trying to get on with, his answers were odd. He was an Arab.

Could have been. A terrorist taught computer science at usf and I was in his class.

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I think I met a terrorist once. In 2000 I bought a complete set of 767 manuals off a guy on EBAY he was local so I agreed to meet him so we met in back of an apartment building I don't think he lived there. Got a complete set of manuals and a copy of United Airlines FMS training software. I never told the FBI about it. I still have the stuff. When I asked him about flying and what airline he was trying to get on with, his answers were odd. He was an Arab.

Or he was a Flight Simulator enthusiast. I know a lot of guys who fly the things to the "T". And yes there are quite a few "European" fellas I'm on a Facebook group with.

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When I was in grad school I would spend Saturday mornings in some sh!tty laundromat and study a continental 737-800 manual while the dryer ran. I was that much of a nerd. I did learn a lot about systems though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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As a Sheriffs Dispatcher, I can only guesstimate that the call volume of Hillsborough led them to taking that call and putting it on the bottom in terms of priority.

they wouldn't have the slightest clue what to do even if they arrived anyway. They don't know the airspace rules.

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I feel sorry for all you guys burdened by seeing "terrorists" everywhere you go and every time you see a dark skinned person. 

Actually, one of them took flight training in the area and my AME gave him his medical. The FBI took all his medical records. I didn't say what I said because I see terrorists everywhere, or think all Arabic people are terrorists. I said what I said because I'm about 99% sure he was one of 911 terrorists. And I resent being called a racist.



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I feel sorry P all you guys burdened by seeing "terrorists" everywhere you go and every time you see a dark skinned person.

Yes I totally agree. I also feel sorry for "dark skinned persons" who feel compelled to don a red keffiyeh in public and then fain disingenuous sympathy for the ignorant, unwashed 'mericans that give them a second look just because they're brown...


Ziad Jarrah


Somali Al Shabaab terrorist

Unfortunately symbols have meaning.

Most of us would also do a double take if we saw a white guy with pale eyes, a shaved head, Maltese crosses tattooed on his body while dressed in a brown shirt, wearing combat boots and cut off fatigues. Do you feel sorry for the white guys that look at that guy and see a potential skinhead?

Dark skinned or light skinned there's a veritable rainbow of douchebags to behold these days. The most sensitive are typically the most intolerant in my experience. Let your colors fly as boldly as your double standards...

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Unfortunately these just become "symbols" to uneducated, untraveled Americans who get their world view from Fox or CNN.  The red and white kaffiyeh is traditional to Jordan. That's where I got mine. And while wearing in on the street in Austin, (since I don't really know how to fold it) would be a fashion faux pas, in Jordan it's as ubiquitous as a baseball cap here in the US. I was very pleasantly surprised how effective it is in the 120 degree temps in the Wadi Rum of Jordan.  While there my wife and I spent a wonderful evening and night with a Bedouin family in the desert. We ate with them, sat around the fire drinking very sweet tea, listened while they had their evening prayers, and slept on the ground in one of their tents.


I just think it's unfortunate that so many Americans burn so many CPU cycles worrying about terrorists. I travel extensively. Some for business and some for pleasure. This summer has included Israel, Jordan, Mexico and Cuba. I've been to 48 countries at last count. Seven of them are Islamic countries. I've never felt threatened or afraid. I will not be convinced that there are more bad people there than there are here in Texas. Certainly there are bad people everywhere, but I'm convinced they are a small minority whether in Austin or in Amman, Helsinki or Havana.


​I'm probably missing the point here, and I apologize for that. I don't mean to offend. It's hard to read between the lines and get inflection of the conversation in these online posts. 


Just my $0.02

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I will not be convinced that there are more bad people there than there are here in Texas.

I travel a lot for business as well and in particular to countries that do a lot in the oil and gas arena. Not going to get into the whole racial profiling thing but to say walking around in Lagos is akin to being in Texas is far off base. I have been scared more than once flying but boy have I been really scared more some places in the world. The world is amazing but be careful of the rose colored glasses they can get you killed.

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I feel sorry for all you guys burdened by seeing "terrorists" everywhere you go and every time you see a dark skinned person.

I would have preferred that you said "I feel sorry for people all over the world burdened by seeing "terrorists" everywhere you go".

I don't personally live in fear, but I am awake that yes, there are people who would rather do me harm and take from me vs. shaking my hand and accepting me. Far more Goodies than Baddies in the world I too believe.

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I've not been to Lagos. But I have been to Nairobi, Khartoum, Addis Ababa, Johannesburg, Cape town, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Havana, Mexico City, San Pedro Sula, Istanbul, Bogota, Medellin, and many, many more. My rose colored glasses have never failed me yet. My wife and I do at least four International trips per year and I do a few more for business.

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I've not been to Lagos. But I have been to Nairobi, Khartoum, Addis Ababa, Johannesburg, Cape town, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Havana, Mexico City, San Pedro Sula, Istanbul, Bogota, Medellin, and many, many more. My rose colored glasses have never failed me yet. My wife and I do at least four International trips per year and I do a few more for business.

My company had an office in Tel Aviv and I visited them for a week doing some KT. An American favorite bar was bombed a few months earlier while my boss was there. My buddy went to Tel Hai (sp?) a few months later to help with QA and his office was attaked by Hezbollah firing Katsusha rockets wheeled out of the mosques. He was evacuated by Israeli army forces in armored personnel carriers. The Israelis I spent time with were some of the nicest most welcoming people I have ever met. They told me many stories and showed me around. I told them I'd support their defense from Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran any way I could.

Islamism and Islamic terrorism is real my friends. How many beheadings and gays being thrown from buildings does it take? How many train bombings? Subway bombings? How many school girls need to be pulled into the sex trade?

There is a sign at the airport put there by the gubmint, "see something, say something". Well I saw something.

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My company had an office in Tel Aviv and I visited them for a week doing some KT. An American favorite bar was bombed a few months earlier while my boss was there. My buddy went to Tel Hai (sp?) a few months later to help with QA and his office was attaked by Hezbollah firing Katsusha rockets wheeled out of the mosques. He was evacuated by Israeli army forces in armored personnel carriers. The Israelis I spent time with were some of the nicest most welcoming people I have ever met. They told me many stories and showed me around. I told them I'd support their defense from Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran any way I could.

Islamism and Islamic terrorism is real my friends. How many beheadings and gays being thrown from buildings does it take? How many train bombings? Subway bombings? How many school girls need to be pulled into the sex trade?

There is a sign at the airport put there by the gubmint, "see something, say something". Well I saw something.


I was in Tel Aviv and was less then a block away when Mike's Place was bombed. I saw the bombing happen and took pictures of it. It doesn't change my view at all. I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I'm glad I don't, I don't live in fear and can count many Israelis, Arabs and Palestinians as close personal friends.  Neither am I afraid of the nut jobs in this country murdering thousands with guns every year. Evil is everywhere but so is the good. I chose to enjoy the good everywhere in the world.

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I was in Tel Aviv and was less then a block away when Mike's Place was bombed. I saw the bombing happen and took pictures of it. It doesn't change my view at all. I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I'm glad I don't, I don't live in fear and can count many Israelis, Arabs and Palestinians as close personal friends.  Neither am I afraid of the nut jobs in this country murdering thousands with guns every year. Evil is everywhere but so is the good. I chose to enjoy the good everywhere in the world.

I see good in president Bush, the allied forces, and the brave Israelies. I don't see good in Boko Haram, Al Queida, Taliban, Hezbollah, Iranian leadership, ISIS, and others who have declared me and you the great Satan and have vowed to destroy us and chant death to America in public assemblies.

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