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GFC 700 Autopilot-Missed Approach

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I have a GFC 700 Autopilot and was wondering if anyone has experience with it flying missed approach procedures.    I know that the flight director with activate when the missed approach button is pressed but I am not certain if the autopilot will actually take the aircraft to the missed approach point. 

My inquiry is for informational purposes as I typically turn off the autopilot about 500-700 feet above minimums if flying in hard IFR.


Thanks for any information you can provide.

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As  you approach your missed approach point and you push the G/A button the autopilot should disconnect and give you wings level and a 15 degree (not positive on the degree's)  nose up.  At that point you are flying away from the ground and under control you put the autopilot back "on" and press the soft key on your PFD "SUSP".  this will  allow the proper sequencing of the flight plan to the Missed approach point and enter the hold as published.  


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Can you fill us in on some details of the rest of your systems?

Is that an O with a G1000 system?

Do you have a GTNXxx with that?

Or does the GFC actually make decisions based on the button push?

My O has an old BK system. The AP doesn't have a GPSS to sequence the next steps...

Best regards,


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With the GTN you want to be suspended and in heading mode with your A/P(Stec) until you turn your initial desired heading of your missed approach. The GTN takes in factors when it auto sequencing to the missed approach point, sometimes the initial heading or turn is not to the most favorable direction. If your in heading mode with your A/P and make your initial turn to the direction you want to go it will auto sequence in the manner you want it to. Then you can press the missed approach button on the GTN and go to GPS steering on the A/P and it will fly the missed approach properly. I'm not familiar with the G1000/GFC 700 set up but I would think it's similar in that aspect since they are both newer Garmin products.

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I have an 2006 Ovation 2 with G1000 and GFC700.  Personally, I never disconnect the AP on an approach until (1) I have the runway enviornment in sight; or, (2) going missed.  At the DA or MDA, with the AP On, I hit the Altitude button to hold the minimum altitude and the Heading button to stay on the runway heading.  If the runway is in sight, I then disconnect the AP and land.  If the runway is not in sight I use the VS to climb to the prescribed altitude for the missed approach and then un-SUSP the CDI to fly missed approach or as directed by ATC.  I don't use the Missed Approach button but you could to disconnect the AP -- again, just personal perference.

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