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Looking to hop a ride from Dallas to Kerrville this week

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Is there anyone going from Dallas to Kerrville for the MAPA meeting this week?  I would be willing to share expenses.  You can reply here, or e-mail me at john.breda@yahoo.com or call me at (617) 444-2230.



John Breda

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Thanks for the reply.  That schedule works well for me and  I would like to share the ride as you proposed.   I just realized I gave you an incorrect e-mail address.  I just changed e-mails and my new working one is  john.breda@gmail.com  and my cell phone is (617) 877-0025.  I left you a voice mail and will try to call again.  



John Breda

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A couple reasons George's idea can make sense...

1) dropping off a plane for maintenance and getting a lift back, and vice versa...

2) collecting practice IFR approaches and you need somebody to ride shotgun...

3) health related class III medical challenges and you want somebody to join you...

4) fly-ins...

5) economics of shared expenses.

6) Mooney formation flying.

Start with adding to this thread (or one like it). Make it get long with additions, quickly...

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