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  1. Curious if those shops are all Garmin dealers? I haven't met one yet that doesn't trash talk every other brand. I've installed an Aerocruze in a M20J coupled to an Aspen, and it's rock solid.
  2. Since you’re not in a hurry, perhaps just wait on the AeroCruze STC. Add someone’s takeoff WAAS navigator (or a new GPS175), and a couple of AC-30-C or G5. You’ll have a fabulous IFR machine for a $20k investment. Do I prefer big glass? Sure, but as long as Ive got a reliable way to get the info I need, I’m good. Frankly I’m a better hand flyer on a traditional 6 pack (albeit digital) than a big glass presentation. I don’t do intentional IMC without an autopilot. That’s a me thing…clearly not hanging you up…but once an affordable 2 axis is approved, that’s a lot of bang for the buck.
  3. Trying for a Hail Mary pass before selling my Mooney. Talked to Chris from Duncan Aviation, sounds like BK may eventually make a bracket for the pitch servo on my serial number Mooney, but no solid timeframe. He had mentioned hearing of several Ranger owners who had the -100 installed, their installers modified the pitch pushrod and servo bracket, covered under the STC, with good results. My original installer is not able to accomplish the mods. Currently I have a complete AeroCruze kit sitting in a box on my hangar floor. If any Ranger owners out there who have an installed AeroCruze 100 or know an owner that did, I’d appreciate a shout to gather info from your experience and a direction toward a shop who has done the work. The issue I’ve run into is my s/n 1213 has a different doubler under the cargo area vs earlier -C’s. The stock install kit does not work. If the hoops to install this a/p become too high, I’ll send the a/p back and sell the plane. For my type of flying, it’s a safety issue when carrying non pilot passengers. Appreciate the help…
  4. Not to rain on your plans, but I'm not sure that will be much of an upgrade, considering how old all of those components are and it does not seem you have any installation documents or drawings to assist. You will need all of the brackets and other accessories, not just servos. You would also need an STC Authorization (at least in the US) and I doubt that can be issued these days. Perhaps an avionics shop might have some original documents in deep storage somewhere, but I suspect you will not have much luck. I would also add people upgrade autopilots when their old system becomes unreliable, so the chances of finding working components is far below 100%. The only modern upgrade options are the Garmin GFC 500, Dynon, and BK Aerocruze 100 as far as I know today. Installation labor will be similar for any new autopilot installation, even an old Century system, so in my opinion it makes little sense to spend so much installing old equipment. If you have your heart set on an old Century, your path might be to buy a complete salvage Mooney that has that system so you can get everything you need, and you would have a pattern to work from during the installation. 10+ years ago I bought a salvage J with a KFC 200, but was not even remotely tempted to transplant that system into my J with a less-capable, but simpler STEC-30. Good luck with whatever you decide. I think it would be wiser to spend more for a modern option.
  5. So now it has been approved, does anyone have any PIREPs? Install time? Finished cost? How much they like it or not? Its on my wish list, but will wait until its a proven good thing
  6. Looks like the AeroCruze saga will be a bust for me. Anyone considering this product, get all your ducks in a row before plunking down money. I had been waiting for this autopilot like most everyone else interested for several years. Paid full price and got in the queue once I heard Duncan had finally accomplished the STC. Waited over six months before the kit was delivered to my avionics shop. Flew 3.5 hrs down to drop my ‘76 Ranger off, came back a week later to fly 3.5 hrs back after finding out Duncan had not shipped a complete kit and didn’t bother telling anyone they were missing parts. Parts issue finally resolved, flew another 3.5 hrs down to try again. Once belly pan was off, the fuselage did not reflect any of the CAD, (not actual pictures) drawings for an install. Only one email was returned by Duncan writing they needed an IPC for the Ranger to see what’s up. PDF of Catalog was sent, that was the last we heard from Duncan and BK after numerous calls and emails. Indirectly I’ve come to understand the STC was pulled for further research. No pieces for the pitch servo bracket will fit a stock ‘76 M20C Ranger serial 1213. It’s also no guarantee the AeroCruze100 will fit ANY Mooney. My shop is going to try a J next and said they are already noticing differences not accounted for in the instructions. Now I have to fly the 3.5 back home, “empty handed” but wallet lightened after 14 hours of flying to and from a place I had no other interest visiting. The “Hail Mary” pass will be a nearby sheet metal guy who is supposed to stop by as well as a local DER to see if the bracket could be modded or recreated to work in the future . That is however ANOTHER 7 hour round trip plus the unknown added costs of the sheet metal work and DER inspection/drawings without guarantees it will even work. This latest boondoggle has run me right up against a previously scheduled date to begin the annual. I’m pulling the plug, sending the AeroCruze back for a deserved refund, and hopefully passing on fair warning to the rest of the dreamers. Make sure the STC is actually done, AND it covers your exact serial number, AND you have pictures of the mount points to share with your installer and the CAD instructions before you invest a lot in wasted hours, gas, and frustration…
  7. Two steps back for every one step forward. Was making progress on the AeroCruze issue and now I have an engine stumper. 76 Ranger with the O360 and PowerFlow exhaust has started an intermittent stumble during climb out at MP’s above 25”. It’s not audible, no backfiring, but I can feel a vibration come and go, almost like when there is a little water in the fuel. Mag checks at run up and cruise power are perfect, no change from last 100 hours. Single point CHT and EGT needles are right where they always are. Adjusting mixture mildly doesn’t affect it. Once I’ve either climbed past 25” of MP or reduced throttle below that number, it either becomes imperceptible or goes away. Slightly reducing throttle to back off the enrichment circuit doesn’t seem to affect it either. A mechanic who used to maintain the aircraft years ago felt it was an exhaust spring issue, broken or weak. There is also some play in the throttle bushing where it goes to the enrichment circuit. Bunch of avenues to pursue but I don’t have an open checkbook to follow them all. Looking to see if anyone here has had similar issues or more trouble shooting ideas. I’ve checked carb heat, mags, prop balance, temps, no water in fuel, spark plugs, everything nominal. Except for this one issue, Ranger runs like a champ as always. Appreciate the help…
  8. Mooney owners who have been waiting for the Bendix King AeroCruze 100 (TruTrak) should all go to https://www.thestcgroupllc.com/pages/stc-autopilot-interest-list and express their interest in that product for their Mooney. I've flown in a friend's Piper with a Trio and it's a great autopilot at a reasonable price.
  9. I may have missed the Dynon A/P as I am talking Aerocruze 100 Reading late at night after along day has its problems with comprehension :-) Reading English is a skill easily lost! Sorry But for those thinking of the BK 100 my thoughts ring true For so long we had nothing and now we are flooded with possibilities- so confusing :-) OH well back to the drawing board!
  10. Thanks for the encouragement, Cliffy. I want to confirm we're talking about the Dynon autopilot and not the Bendix King Aerocruze 100?
  11. This may mean that people with F models may be able to ask Dynon for some assistance and get the data to support installation in an F with the assistance of a DER. Honeywell offered this during the latest round of re-do for the AeroCruze, which was on the market and then got pulled off due to bracket variances within models. They offered people who already had orders or wanted to order product that they'd assist with installation via DER. This may be available from Dynon as well given the similarities of the airframes. If I had an F or a short body and was interested in a Dynon system it might be worth checking with them.
  12. So are they REALLY happening? I don't follow all the AeroCruze drama threads, but it sounds like they are shipping the right servo brackets, it requires some fabrication, DAR involvement and FSDO approvals??? It's indeed a great AP if they are really shipping again with the right install parts. Very pleased with my S-TEC, but if it ever gives up the ghost, I'll just go all new with the AeroCruze.
  13. Couple of nice vids on TruTrak/AeroCruze:
  14. Nope $3000-$3500 difference. I had my avionics shop check. Obviously the Garmin is upgradable (trim servos etc) but for my needs, I don’t mind trimming myself. I just need a simple autopilot - better than none and still a very capable one… Basically ~ $10,500 to $11K installed for the AeroCruze -Don
  15. That's awesome! I've considered the AeroCruze but was under the impression that it was about the same cost as the GFC500 to purchase. I might reconsider now.
  16. After some time and research, finally booked a time to get an AeroCruze for my plane. Wanted a Garmin but the Kit/install price for the AeroCruze is about the price of just the Garmin unit not installed. For what I need, the AeroCruze will do it. I’d rather have an autopilot vs waiting another year (2026). I have other plans to get tanks sealed vs patch so I figure I could budget and get things taken care of and still have an autopilot. Going with the flat pack and plans are to mount it above the audio panel. Have to wait until April of next year but this will pretty much complete the Avionics. BTW, just picked up a Dynon D3 Portable as a back up. Going to mount that up soon. -Don
  17. Curious to know if anyone with an AeroCruze 100 and M20C is having the same new problem. ‘76 M20C Ranger. Paid for AP kit some time ago. Kit arrived last month at my avionics shop. Scheduled the install and flew the Mooney down. A day later get a call from shop, aileron pushrods for Aero Cruze aren’t in kit. A call to Duncan was made and apparently not all Mooney’s have the same aileron linkage length, and of course the airplane used for the STC is different from mine. The whole kit is held up by the need for slightly shorter pushrods which we were told needs to be re-STC’d. No predictions or guesses when that will take place. Back to square one.
  18. As a vfr pilot, possibly planning IFR in the future, all I want is something to hold the plane on course while I look out the window and find the snacks. Keeping me alive if I hit clouds might also be helpful. The difference between Garmin and Aerocruze would be 99% wasted on me. I'd be happy with an Accutrak. But honestly, start overhauling all that, tracking down legacy parts and making sense of it all... cost will escalate, and still no alt hold. So, very interested in the Aerocruze.
  19. Planning some panel upgrades for an M20M and see the options are rather limited. I've got the Avidyne 440/540 combo, currently the KFC150 with Altitude/V/S select. Looking at the AeroCruze 230 as it appears to be only one of two certified for the M20's Looking at Aspen's maybe a 1000/500 combo as well. Any feedback on these?
  20. 1 PREFACE This document includes instructions that pertain to the installation of the BendixKing Vizion / AeroCruze 100 Autopilot on the specified Mooney M20 models. The modification consists of installing one roll and one pitch servo, an autopilot controller unit, a pitch link sensor, a wiring harness, connections to the airplanes existing pitot/static, electrical systems, mounting brackets/hardware, disconnect switches, and includes several options for the installer. The BendixKing AeroCruze 100 has been previously produced by TruTrak Flight Systems (hereafter referred to as TTFS or TruTrak) as the Vizion Autopilot system. Legacy references to the TruTrak name and Vizion system are synonymous with the AeroCruze 100 installed under this project. The installation was tested to meet the applicable regulations of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 23 for the Mooney M20. 1.1 Reference Documents Table 1: Reference Material Document Title TruTrak Flight Systems TT-195 Master Document List TT-166 Vizion PMA Autopilot Installation Guide TT-186 Approved GPS and Software List for Vizion PMA Autopilot TT-176 Vizion AFMS TT-167 Vizion Operating Manual 1.2 Applicability This document is applicable to the Mooney M20 models identified in Table 2. Table 2: Approved M20 Models Mooney M20 Models M20B M20C M20D M20E M20F M20G M20J M20K M20L M20M M20R M20S It is NOT approved below 700 AGL! Just like most Brittians https://www.bendixking.com/content/dam/bendixking/en/documents/document-lists/downloads-and-manuals/TTFS-305-Mooney-M20-Installation-Instructions-Aerocruze-Autopilot.pdf
  21. I start realizing it is a lot more hassle and same amount of money as just waiting and installing Aerocruze.
  22. I start realizing it is a lot more hassle and same amount of money as just waiting and installing Aerocruze.
  23. Here are the pictures of Aerocruze 230 or KFC 230 Autopilot I installed in M20K. It was quite challenging install it especially the configurations but overall, I wasn't too bad. Most of the wiring from the KFC 150 could be used for this install. Hint, if you have KFC 150 servos in working condition doesn't mean it will pass the Preflight test on KFC 230. There is a procedure to pass the Preflight test(PFT). If you have any questions regarding this Autopilot or the install, let me know.
  24. An STC is specific to a single airplane. So you can’t reuse the STC you have to get a new one from the company. My understanding is STEC wants 3k? to reissue an STC. Once you pay for the STC, the parts and the labor you are going to be approximately at the cost of the Aerocruze. The only auto pilot I think you could do cheaper would be the original Mooney PC system. Personally I wouldn’t want to put in the effort to do a new install on a system that old but it is an option.
  25. Has anyone installed a AeroCruze 230? I am considering going this route as the controller on my M20K BK KFC 150 has frequent issues needing repair. Jeff
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