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  1. Would be great to visit by phone. Send a message to bruce@jaegeraviation.com with contact information and a good time to reach you. Bruce
  2. This is Bruce Jaeger, thanks for the comments. In addition to an individual, any upholstery shop referrals would be appreciated.
  3. Spatial Interior designer, Bruce Jaeger, is searching for installation centers or crafty individuals. Refinements to the install process and added elegance along with aircraft aging have increased demand for the vintage Mooney owner. Interested in increasing your upholstery business or using your skill as a craftsman, send message to bruce@jaegeraviation.com or call 320-444-3042. Visit www.jaegeraviation.com for more details.
  4. The new Spatial Interior for the vintage Mooney has truly taken off and developer, Bruce Jaeger, is in need of installation centers. Willing to recommend an upholsterer, Bruce would like to hear from you. Respond to bruce@jaegeraviation.com or call 320-444-3042. Bruce

  5. Photos show a plastic repair with thin flexible plastic, an adhesive as well as acrylic tape filled and sanded. Repaired plastics will fit and if needed, can be repaired again. When accompanied by the lower Spatial Interior panels, aircraft service is simplified and every bit of room is available for comfort. Owner participation invited. Jaeger Aviation is looking for upholsterers interested in becoming installation centers. Training provided by designer. Answers to questions, reply to Bruce at bruce@jaegeraviation.com.
  6. From personal experience, I can attest that the second Spatial Interior install would be easier than the first. I must admit that my personal learning curve had its frustrating moments. That being said, simplifications with the baggage area corners, fitting around the instrument panel, an easier to install layered door trim and the acrylic tape for upper plastic repair make the DIY idea more appealing. Ideally it would be good to have someone experience an install that could become a helper. This could be an upholsterer or willing Mooney owner. I have had more than one owner try to do this on their own. I have not heard if they would make the same decision again or ask for help. The possibility has always existed for any owner to assist in an install and when ready to complete on their own, we send them home. I would offer whatever assistance possible with written and illustrated instructions. The kit would come with all material needed to install the Spatial panels and either actual materials or listing of items needed to repair plastics. We must also remember that any STC approved product will require an IA inspection, FAA337 form and logbook endorsement. Samples of these forms will also be provided. None of this is truly difficult, but there is a learning curve. I would be pleased to visit with anyone by phone about the pros and cons of an owner install. Visit www.jaegeraviation.com for contact information.
  7. Message from Jaeger Aviation and Spatial Interior. Schedules to show the Spatial Interior for this weekend appear to be falling apart. What is truly needed are referrals for possible installation centers from anywhere in the country. From my past experience the best options appear to be a select group of professional upholsterers with interest in the Mooney, open to the new panel design and plastic repair rather than covering problems. This could certainly be individuals or small companies. A ten year learning curve has resulted in a unique product developed and refined for the vintage Mooney owner. As I cannot cover the country, I am willing to offer training and support anywhere it is needed. Would appreciate personal referrals be sent directly to bruce@jaegeraviation.com. My personal MN and FL seasonal install locations invite owner participation. Fly Safe.
  8. Interesting to read your comments about Jack Purdue interiors. Would like to visit with him about the new Spatial Interior. As developer, I am searching for a select number of special upholstery shops interested in leaning more about this new interior design. Bruce Jaeger bruce@jaegeraviation.com. Thanks. .

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