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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. The wife and I offered our adult kids a vacation deal. We will rent the house if you can manage to get there. We flew the Bravo and they (3 kids with wives.....) flew commercial. I offered to haul non airline friendly items thinking I’d be task with a couple of fishing rods. The first pic is the back of a Ford Expedition we rented. Slam full! The second and a third shows us loading up for the flight home. To my surprise there was more! I guess they didn’t want to check a bag. Thankfully it was all bulk and no weight!
  2. We need at least an 18inch hole. Unfortunately this sensor is not compatible with the 172 pod mount. Truly painful considering I have a Skyhawk with one. Appreciate the post, need all the help I can get.
  3. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  4. Looking for a 206 with a camera port. Tough to find so I thought I'd throw it out to MS. I figure collectively we are the eyes and ears of several hundred airports.
  5. Paid all of $2500 for the entire AC in flight ready condition. Crazy!
  6. Left over from my UL days of many years ago. My 35 HP Eipper (Quicksilver) would fly 16 MPH in ground effect. Most fun I've ever had in an airplane!
  7. 18.5 to 17.5 GPH 29/24 @ 18K 195 True with TKS. About two kts for every thousand feet in either direction. LOP at 75% power cost me about 9 kts.
  8. I have one of these. Tail no sync- 14/28 volt https://www.whelen.com/aviation/product.php?head_id=9&prod_id=2 I also have two 01-0770329-00 wing packs with sync. 14/28. They also have a part number A490ATS-DF-14 to 28. Let me know if you need pics or serial numbers. A quick call to Whelen may be the best path forward to seeing if they cross-reference.
  9. I have some Whelen PS. I'll be in the hangar in the next hour and can check the part numbers.
  10. Unmanned systems can fly in the NAS above 400 feet AGL via a Certificate of Authorization (COA) from the FAA. COA ops are part 91 operations and can have all kinds of limitations. Most all share two requirements relevant to this topic. First, the operator and/or his visual observer must maintain a visual at all times. This is for traffic avoidance. If he can't see the UAS and ventures beyond visual line of site (VBLOS) a chase plane is required. Second, I've never seen a COA without an associated notam. For public use COAs, as opposed to DoD, the operators are certificated pilots; traditional manned aviators. The DoD entities I'm familiar with don't require a private pilot cert but instead stand up their operation utilizing their own DoD cert. For a UAS at 9000, in the NAS, there should be a NOTAM on file and a manned AC flying formation. UAS of that caliber typically squawk a code and are ADSB equipped. Coms with the controlling authority is required as well. This isn't your Amazon Drone. 9000 generally warrants a fixed wing airframe. Having six props makes me think hobbyist out of his lane. When done properly: UAS is squawking a discrete code that they can change on the fly. Pilot is a manned aviator Pilot has coms with ATC and is flying his last clearance. A chase pilot calls out any Non participating traffic that ATC can't see. On the East coast this never happens as we have radar coverage everywhere. It's like flying an IFR flight plan under the hood with someone flying formation. All that being said, an idiot flying a multirotor at 9000, in the NAS, without a COA, without traffic avoidance is WRONG.
  11. I bought the kit. EDS-O2D2-2G O2D2 with STR Stabilizing Regulator. Not sure who I spoke with but if you give them a ring I'm sure they can confirm. Mine needed the Scott connector.
  12. I’m on the road. I’ll check this afternoon.
  13. I was told the -HA was a Barry not Lord mount. I poked around on MS for awhile and could not seem to find a consensus on Lord vs Barry. I've had great luck with Lord mounts in the past so I went with what I knew.
  14. Thanks Steve! I pulled the part number from the Mooney publication. Glad to hear there is a kit! Ordered! Mooneyspace once again making life easier. I googled, binged, called parts houses, checked LASAR, even called Lord and the part number you provided never showed up as a kit. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks Don!
  16. Thanks, I'll give them a try. LASAR shows out of stock.
  17. Don, where do you disable the muting? I have a 796, 750, and GMA 35. I get the 500 foot callout and button sounds from the 796 but no XM. Not even the "demo" station. I've checked every setting I can think of and had given up assuming the 796 has an xm problem.
  18. Can anyone recommend a source for Bravo Lord Mounts (J-9613-82)? Seems out of stock everywhere. I called Lord and left a message but no coms as of yet.
  19. I had ask them about the Bravo because I had seen one of your previous post. They recommended a small regulator between the ceiling port and their unit. Seems to be working well. I've got maybe 25 hours of utilization. Is the Bravo system unique? I assumed many models had the same altitude compensating regulator. Maybe mine is not working properly. How much flow do you get at sea level? I will say that no matter what kind canula type O2 system I use my saturation can drop if I'm not cognizant of my breathing. I tend to go into shallow breathing mode. I've checked it at my desk (400' MSL) after a long sit at the computer and have found it below 93. Truthfully I suspected the 39 dollar meter probably wasn't as accurate as I hoped. If I take a slightly deeper breath my stats rise very quickly. The wife does much better. She never seems to fall below 93 and is normally 95 or higher.
  20. MH 02D2 for me as well. O2 last forever and as gsxpilot said the pulse is reassuring.
  21. Anyone looking for a safe home for their bird shoot me a PM. I have one empty hangar. KBKT South central VA.
  22. PLBs are cheap as well
  23. Count me in on a group buy.
  24. beautiful!
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