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Everything posted by FloridaMan

  1. I think that length might be that the rear of the upper cowl extends further back. The rear of my upper LoPresti cowl is flush with the lower.
  2. @Sabremech are there dimensioned mechanical drawings for these anywhere? I could possibly do a production run of these.
  3. You don't become a Sr. until you have a kid, right? My M20F was repossessed in 1970 and while the certificate of repossession states it releases everything, there wasn't an explicit release certificate in the history and it made financing impossible, so I took out title insurance and paid cash. All statutes of limitations are long gone and all associated parties are likely deceased by now, but I still took out insurance with this issue known just to be safe.
  4. I landed at the shithole airport in Morristown, NJ to pick up a pilot and found an $11 bill for a landing fee in my mail a couple months later.
  5. Pretty sure you have to get the airplane with it. However, we have a member here @Sabremech who is developing a speed cowling offering as well:
  6. Did you have roll induced and loss of elevator effectiveness? I would think that with asymmetric shadowing of the elevator that you would lose effectiveness and have to compensate for roll with it no longer being inline with the roll axis.
  7. Don’t let this keep you grounded. Make sure you get back on the horse that threw you.
  8. My IA did an excellent job here at KSPG. http://skyaddictaviation.com/
  9. Interestingly enough, the manuals for the TSIO520 mention pressurized mags in the restart procedures. Yet the mags aren’t pressurized in the rocket.
  10. I’m thinking this might rewrite the rules on restart at altitude as well as the engine manual specifies not attempting a restart above 18,000 IIRC due to potential internal magneto arcing.
  11. Also, slightly related. If your wiring is old, replace all of it, ideally to the battery, but at least everything in front of the firewall. You will have to do it eventually and it will likely ground you at some point when it’s inconvenient. It will cost you less to do it on your schedule and not when it fails completely. I had three alternator “failures” due to wires failing — two to the regulator and the other being the output wire. All three grounded me, and one of them resulted in a post maintenance engine failure that landed me in a field due to FOD.
  12. Also best to make sure the engine idle speed is spot on for short runways. An idle speed that's 200 RPM too high made the difference between a 500ft and a 2500ft landing length for me.
  13. I have the same issue with my B&C standby alternator. Mine doesn't seem to have an automatic failover, but the breaker panel is placarded to only have one alternator active at a time O_o
  14. If it's a Hartzell and not a McCauley, get the spinner assembly from Hartzell. Using the Mooney part will cost you more money and aggravation in the long run.
  15. Before I go and send this off, I'd like to make sure there's not something stupid that I'm missing. When my 430 is on, I hear a faint ticking sound in my headset (RX is not illuminated except when receiving). The ticking sound remains even with the alternator field pulled and the rest of the radio stack and transponder turned off. I can receive just fine. Tower says my transmissions are unreadable. Reracking a few times seems to sometimes fix it. I borrowed a 430W to try and I was "loud and clear" on that radio and no ticking sound in the headset. Swapped back to my 430W and the problem returned. It sounds like I need to drop the $1200 for the flat rate service, but wanted to make sure there wasn't something else I should try.
  16. This is why I went into technology and not medicine.
  17. I figured it might’ve had something to do with stall certification, such as whether the plane runs out of rudder at full power in a stall.
  18. Try MAC Avionics at KLAL.
  19. Compare the table on 5-32 for the -NB with the one on 5-35 for the -P variant. Note that the -P has specific limits for takeoff power whereas the -NB has "max continuous" specified.
  20. I'm trying to find a copy of the TSIO520 operators manual. The -NB variant, which is in the Rocket, does not have a limitation for how long you can run at 100% power.
  21. I see @Cody Stallings has seen this thread already. Low RPM and mag timing were both factors in a fatal Mooney takeoff accident that was caught on video.
  22. Also, I know he’s got an engine monitor and all, but I’d want to confirm that the tach is reading accurately.
  23. I see 2700 RPM on my takeoff roll in my m20f
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