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Posts posted by kortopates

  1. On 9/25/2024 at 6:19 AM, Max Clark said:

    The guy I bought the plane from made it a point that I am now the one paying to fix things, so even though VLO is 140 KIAS he made it a point to always be *much* slower than that.

    Very true, as the guy that's not only paying the bills but doing all the work, after repairing most of connecting rods in my gear doors, all with enlarged openings (mine has 3 gear doors per side). I have since reduced my gear down speed to 110-120 kts from 140. Occasionally If I am getting slam dunked I may exceed 120, but my norm is 110-120. That's going to be challenge for a new Mooney pilot but it doesn't take that long to be able to get it slowed down without the gear and then the gear will thank you for it.

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  2. 47 minutes ago, GeeBee said:

    The M20R POH says this:

    ”Do not exceed this speed with the flaps in the full down position”. It says nothing about the T/O position.

    Further the MPPP is training the same way as I submitted and for the same reasons.

    The limitation only applies to full down.




    This is most misinterpreted limitation in the POH.

    In order to have a higher limit for partial flaps, don't you think they would specify a an amount of flaps and a higher airspeed?

    See the J models - the only Mooney's that have an approved higher partial flaps air speed limitation and its only for a small range of serial numbers, which are not even the last ones produced. After 34-3078, with the introduction of the 28V J's they went right back to single flap speed limitation. 



    You won't find any such higher partial flaps speed in any other Mooney including the R, they all look like your R:



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  3. 17,000’ with 94% saturation without supplemental O2 sounds super human to me!

    But congratulations on getting your Ovation.
    Don’t worry, landings will get easier as you get better in trimming the aircraft to approach speed. Properly trimmed the flare/round out comes very easily. its only work when it’s not trimmed for the final approach speed.


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  4. Mooney has the history, the engineering, the know how, and know your Mooney better than anyone - how do I know - it says so on their website.

    They used too. The majority of that talent is gone now with factory operating on a skeleton crew.

    As has been mentioned. The factory is still making parts. I’ve never waited more than 3-4 weeks for parts despite initially hearing 3 months multiple times. It sucks to be AOG when something Mooney specific breaks. But more often than not, it’s not a Mooney specific airframe part that needs to be sourced but a standard part like a gear limit switch or a relay or a switch. Or a Mooney part that can be repaired like an electric cowl flap motor, or voltage regulator. Things you really never want to pay $ for a new replacement part when they can be repaired.

    Being a Mooney owner is more about learning how to source and repair parts than worrying about factory parts availability. As long as they still remain in business i am not overly concerned.

    Besides no matter what concerned discussions we have here, the factory will continue to do their best to survive as they see fit. That even includes a few unsuccessful people that have tried to invest serious amount of money to see the factory tackle projects without response.
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  5. Depends on how complicated you want to make wigwag.  I went with the MaxPulse for simplicity and it's perfect for ease of install and cost.  I had it wired past the circuit breaker rocker switch, so I have the MaxPulse set on alternating mode and just use the rocker switch to turn on and off.  It makes the recog switch much more visible.  ~$300 for the MaxPulse, about 1-2 total hrs for install of recogs and MaxPulse = WIN in my book.
    But check out [mention=7354]donkaye[/mention]'s video

    The Precise Flight is pretty darn slick (albeit heavier, more expensive, and needing another rocker switch on your panel).  I've heard from [mention=50295]Pinecone[/mention] that the Whelen pulser is similar but a little cheaper (but still 3x the price of MaxPulse)...Terry, do you have the same lights wig wag'd as Don?
    ...although I'm kinda disappointed in Whelen that when they made a Mooney specific light they didn't research to see where the glare fence sits and make sure all of the LEDs were outside of this.  I've yet to see a WAT Mooney Recog light that didn't have the inboard 2 LEDs blocked by the wing.  Although no melted wingtip lens so it's STILL a welcomed addition to the WAT family of lights on my Mooney.  [mention=13533]OSUAV8TER[/mention] I spoke with WAT at Osh this year and certainly would think that if they could put out a Version 2.0 that had the LEDs more outboard that would be a great move!  (I didn't get the impression from WAT this was a priority :lol: )

    I agree on the limited product development testing/prototyping resulting in a less than ideal design. But as for ever seeing a versions 2 don’t forget how many years it took ver 1 to come on the market. It must be well over a decade! the hidden leds should be an embarrassment to Whelen but i think it’s still mostly effective as is. As you say, still a big Win.

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  6. Hello Ross!
    Thank you for the information you provided. Question for you, if I were to manufacture a prototype set of rollers, would you try them?

    Actually Juan, the factory rollers are made of phenolic. Lasar.com has a PMA for their Deldrin rollers. They have PMA for many alternate Mooney parts but under new ownership moved from CA to Oregon and are still working on getting their approvals - so not all of their parts are currently available again; one even recently went through a recall process. But suggest you review Lasar’s offering for any overlap before pursing them.

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  7. You must have been in a pretty remote area -- these days, it's hard to find a place with no WiFi and no cellular.  After the free year, what is the cost?

    i am with you there on free trials, but there is no sign up, just needs to be enabled. Apple hasn’t announced what they may charge after 2 years but you have to actively choose to send and receive them so should have any surprise fees.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Ppizzo said:

    Thanks All, It turns over and seems like it wants to start.  In fact yesterday, it started and I flew to Half Moon Bar.  It runs fine.  I have an EDM 800 and it shows fuel flow is fine.  I really think it's the starting procedure.  I also think it might be temp related as it will not start in the morning.  I see that some of you think that it floods easy, does this happen only with the prime or can opening the throttle cause flooding?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    So you are also a new owner? How many seconds of prime to do give it and using which pump? I trust it has had the duel diverter removed? Continentals do not flood easily, they are in fact quite thirsty at startup.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Brandt said:

    So couldn’t you sand down to aluminum and redo the alodine to prepare the surface?  Haven’t tried it.  Just curious.

    You have to do that very carefully, since you don't want to sand the bare aluminum and sand off the thin Alclad surface.  The Alclad surface provides corrosion protection for for the underlying aluminum alloy. But as you try to remove the loose surrounding paint it will likely keep flaking off. There are also signs in places where it appears the prior paint job wasn't stripped fully but just painted over (but could be signs of prior owner touch up too). It would be very easy to ruin the aluminums skins without the proper professional guidance/supervision in prepping bare aluminum.  

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  10. The paint has to have good adhesion to make it worthwhile to touch up. But picts look like paint is peeling off indicating the prep on the original paint job was sub-par.
    It’s really not worth trying to patch up the paint if it’s that the case. Just like it’s not worth trying to patch a leaky tank if the sealant is in poor shape.
    I suggest to go visit a professional paint shop and see if they think the paint is in good enough shape to patch but i bet they’ll tell you the problem now is because the prior job was very poorly done. This isn’t a little touch up either but a lot.

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  11. 9ab571b6b7f6e094c9e7c566e846a6af.jpg

    IMHO the JPI EDM-900 is perfect in the mooney on the pilot side - although i do almost all my flying from right seat - this position keeps all of the engine parameters within my scan between PFD and Navigators. Off to right is out of my scan.

    As much as i love Garmin products, as you can see from my panel pict, i am not a big fan of their EIS. Although it has the best integration possible and monitors most everything i find it lacking in too many ways which has kept me from adopting it.
    i am also not a fan of the smaller circular displays including the GI-275 EIS.

    But for those that don’t have the panel space, the small circular displays are far better than going without an engine monitor. Just be sure to learn how to use it and keep it in your scan. There is so much vital information there that it can save your engine and your butt when properly utilized.

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  12. I have the same Alpha HUD displays, Don mentions, on both sides since we’re 2 pilots and HUD is intended to be looked through - not from the side.

    You’ll have to decide if you want to add the heated probe (i did) and flaps option (i didn’t).
    Without the flaps option they recommend setting it up for a clean stall, but that seemed silly to me since i almost always do full flap landings. So after consulting with Don i followed his lead and configured it for full flaps stalls.
    The default installation probe angle won’t work on the Mooney wing, i had to adjust the probe angle by one notch.

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  13. The vast majority of owner flown aircraft engines suffer from corrosion. It’s really much less about total hours and more about calendar time and infrequent use and how the aircraft is stored between flights.

    Flight schools are pretty much the opposite side of the spectrum compared to the infrequent use by the average owner.

    Mike Busch is an example of an owner flown engines going over 3500 hrs before overhaul.

    Everybody has their opinions though about going past TBO, many shops set a limit where they won’t annual a plane past a certain number of hours past TBO and the DPE’s under my FSDO won’t do a checkride when the engine exceeds 3000 hrs. Yet there is no statistical data to support any of that.

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  14. I’ve been using RealClean for the belly, it’s designed for removing turbine soot and extremely effective getting the exhaust deposits and any oil off the belly and totally safe for aircraft.
    Totally aircraft safe and Easier faster than mineral spirits and other cleaners i’ve tried. But i haven’t tried Goof off yet.


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  15. just curious: is there a downside to priming with high boost (2-3 seconds) and cranking? it's how i saw them do it at Maxwell last month, also from an Ovation CFI. catches immediately every time.

    Not really on a cold start, but on a hot start it can be very helpful to use the low boost right when it catches and it’s about to die - low boost will save it but high boost will easily flood it.
    In flight it’s a problem since you won’t have the low boost to provide vapor suppression while the high boost can easily flood it.

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  16. I agree, unbelievable this was a "professional" pilot that became obsessed with entering a waypoint after departure that he got so far behind the plane he never recovered. Didn't even seem that they should need a waypoint to avoid the restricted area given they weren't having success modifying the flight plan. They still managed to fly into it while missing radio calls - just shockingly poor airmanship and lack of proficiency with his avionics on par with a beginning instrument student. Never asked ATC for help. 

    AOPA did good article on this with analysis - I hadn't seen the globalair version but think the AOPA version is more thorough minus the aircraft parts pictures. 


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  17. I can think of 3 airports in my local area that charge landing fees. they start at around $3 per thousand pounds of max gross weight. But then they charge approx another $10 fee to collect the payment. So i’ll end paying more like $16.50 for it. The third party collection is the majority of the cost.
    The private airport at Catalina has the most expensive fee.

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  18. Funny, I was going to ask about a location in the future more amenable to the North/Northwest!  Spokane would be great for me, reasonably weather-wise vs. the coastal locations.
    I will say Montana offers fine amenities
    I actually mentioned MPP to the local new entrepreneurial FBO where I board at KBIL. They had a TBM training clinic recently, do public events (flying kids, etc) and are generally oriented towards building up the scene. And, although we're about 3-3.5 hrs from Yellowstone, there are some nice "destination" type airports even closer for people want to make it a vacation. 
    Still hoping to make it to the coming MPP at Ft. Worth! 

    I misspoke, not Montana but Cheyenne, WY next year. You folks are welcome to lobby for 2026.

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