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  1. I’ll be there for the duration along with my significant other. The Mooney stays home but the RV makes the trip to Warbirds Camping. Stop by the Warbird area (Bombers and Transports) and say hi. We’ll try to get to the N40 shindig this year as we failed miserably last time around. No shortage of work to do in volunteer land during Air Venture.
  2. I use an I Pad Air 2. I’ve updated the IOS each and every time Apple has offered an update but not before receiving the “all clear” from Foreflight. I have not updated the GTX since the original install.
  3. I’m using whatever the box came with when it was installed in May of 2016.
  4. I’ve been using a Garmin GTX 345 with a 530W and an I Pad running Foreflight. No issues up to this point. Very pleased.
  5. Sorry for your loss, Tom. Clearly, Mr. Cook had a positive effect on you that went beyond getting that Lancair squared up to fly and you ready to fly it. Those kind of opportunities are priceless aren’t they? Something truly to be thankful for as they just don’t happen often. I’m fairly certain that, knowing what I know about you and your level of outreach to others in the Northwoods, you are already someone’s “John Cook”. Carry that torch proudly, Sir.
  6. Count me in on the Young Eagles flights, Tom. My ship's in for annual right now but just say the word. Happy to help!
  7. Pretty much this, or jail.
  8. Tom is one of those great aviation ambassadors that we're so incredibly lucky to have up here in the Northwoods. Generous to a fault! What a great story, Tom.
  9. Once again, Mooneyspace comes through in a pinch. I've been looking for a trim chain cover for a long time and then, boom, here's a source! Same deal when I wanted to replace my crappy baffling. What a great resource we have here. Thank you!
  10. I run straight weights exclusively in my 252. Right now I'm using 65 and will transition to 100 probably in April. I do run a strip of tape on the oil cooler and it does help get those oil temps up a bit in the winter. There's a Tanis on the airplane and I preheat anytime the temp is below 50 which in Northern Wisconsin is pretty often. Definitely a balancing act in my airplane between oil temperature and pressures that I have to manage pretty actively.
  11. I saw Tom depart KIMT with the Lancair yesterday and was some kind of impressive! He also bought lunch which was priceless. A great guy flying a terrific stable of airplanes.
  12. I did the ADSB in/out mod back in May of this year. My GTX 345 allows traffic to be displayed on the Garmin 530 but is limited to eight targets. I added an I Pad with ForeFlight in August and that greatly increased the participating traffic awareness. I wanted the 'in' capability largely for weather but the comfort of flight aspect (especially for my significant other) that enhanced traffic awareness brings to us has been great. It's not TCAS but it sure is better than nothing at all.
  13. $155 a month for our hangar at KAIG which includes electricity. Nice, new construction with an electric bifold door. Very pleased!
  14. Tom, I'm thinking with the amount of time my M20K spends at Kubick, I should be considered a part time resident. Absolutely loving the WAAS, ADSB and roll steer mod that Jeff did before he left for FL. John
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