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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. Somebody once put this into an excel spread sheet. About two years ago. I don't recall who did the work. It was easy to update with A/F specific details It would be nice to update to IPhone app... PIELOG are you there? Best regards, -a-
  2. Steve, Where will you be basing the new acquisition? -a-
  3. It looks like a step up from a hang glider... How fast?
  4. Props are expensive, three blades cost more than two. High tech materials cost more than aluminum. Weight and balance are effected. The benefits, most often, are too small compared to the price. If your plane needs a prop is one thing, or you are racing against Becca is another reason.... Overall, a knot costs a lot compared to the benefit... Improve HP: missile or rocket conversions are nice, increase prop rpm works within proven limits, turbo add-ons work Decrease drag: cowling, vent, wing roots, gear doors... What was the budget? -a-
  5. Vref, The retractable gear is more light/simple/reliable than even the M20 series.... -a-
  6. Flymu, Check the HP rating on that aircraft. Many an eagle has been upgraded from two to three blades, but the HP seems to increase to 310 HP at the same time. Key words are Screamin' Eagle upgrade. Best regards, -a-
  7. They key word is "distraction" the brain believes one thing and allows your next decision to be based on improper data. Distraction often occurs when tired after a long flight.... Or when you get a little older. You won't notice that you have been distracted... -a-
  8. Expect wood and fabric... Intial design started as the ercoupe with Al's tail added to it. -a-
  9. That guy seems to specialize in old Mooneys and old Lexii...on ebay. I believe one of his previous Mooneys was a swimmer... Byron, do you remember? -a-
  10. Follow up on the fuel smell in the cabin. Fill the tanks to the top. Well sealed tanks do not smell. Wet carpet is an extreme leak. You can remove the interior panels to inspect the side of the tank and see where the leak is entering the cabin... My C had a seal leak in the right tank and died the carpet blue. The leak was easily foun by removing the panel. Good luck. Best regards, -a-
  11. I believe the same switch has two functions. (1) determines the gear light. Green or yellow. (2) in combination with the throttle switch provide aural warning of throttle out and gear up. When descending with throttle out, you might want to know where that switch is to provide for a quieter descent.... You can easily find it when the gear is up. Best regards, -a-
  12. Check your fuel necks for materials of construction. Older models are made of steal that will cause some difficulty. Keep the plane covered. Properly cared for door seals do not leak. Windows on old Mooneys have been known to leak. A few hundred euros is well spent on a cover. Cover and new seals will keep the water from getting in. -a-
  13. One of these days, I will have two iPads and an iPhone as back-up. WingX on one Weather and traffic on the other someday.... I need a flight sim app, then I can save on fuel for this bug I have... -a-
  14. John, N4352H. Good reminder to initial M20 pilots... The center position for fuel tanks is "off" not "both". I found this out in my first taxi prior to take-off. Embarrassed at the time, but un injured. A decade later, i see this is good advice for anyone transitioning from high wing to low wing. There is no "both" in a mooney... Best regards, -a-
  15. Rob and JimR, Jim answered as what is required for old M20s. My C rusted, and rough oxidated surfaces always leaked a drop or two after rain. One day it was a full cup and then some. A hole opened where the sheet metal was bent/shaped in the neck. My plane was doomed to the sales yard at that moment..... Really it doesn't take much to fix that problem, JimR outlined getting the new part insalled, but I preferred more HP, newer systems, modern avionics, leg space in the back, fuel injection, near real IFR capabilities, newer paint... And less money in my bank account. It turns out my old necks and caps were no longer OEM. News to me, no record of it either. Plastic caps on a mooney....not OEM, possibly race care mod. I may have been angry that day. I bought new OEM caps and gave them to the new owner as a reminder of the work he needed to complete. He got a set of seat belts too... Rember, if you don't see a meniscus...spit in the cup, you should now. With good seals you should find ice on cold days in NJ. No ice, water must have gone somewhere....if you find ice, a bag of hot water is the next best way to get the caps open. I ask the fuel person to leave my caps off. I am not shy about this situation. It helps me to remember what I need to do... How full they are, and sump, while I'm there. The ovation's tanks are always dry, SS fuel necks and good seals are the main reason. No rust, no holes, no water.... Best regards, -a-
  16. First - smoke in the cabin in a C152. First flight after maintenance. Whatever they used to clean the engine bay that day penetrated the air/heating system and was fogging the cabin... What I learned... Cessna trainers don't go fast enough. I wanted to be on the ground faster than it wanted to get me there. Second - partial power loss on T/O in an M20C. First few hours of my Mooney experience, cross country flight to Salisbury, MD. Exhaust valve stuck in my new to me M20C. Flight instructor is now an expert in making proper aviation decisions. Lowered the nose, raised the gear, maintained airspeed communicated with the tower, landed on the next available cross runway while reviewing procedures with his student. Student got to operate the landing gear. What I learned... O-360 with heavy vibration, and lack of power is still able to maintain a few hundred feet of altitude. Reason to not let an M20C sit outside unused, and uncared for for a couple of years. Low cost pre-purchase inspections may not reveal everything. Pull a jug, see exhaust valve, look for rust.... Third??? As long as I plan for the worst, it will probably never....it's best to just be ready... Six cylinders are better than four on T/O.... More HP is better than less... Cruise at high altitudes, you may need it... Make friends everywhere you go. You may need their help sooner than you expect... have your E-procedures memorized... Fire extinguisher....check. best regards, -a- Dick reminded me of one I didn't consider. ASI on a C152 trainer failed... I have learned to always watch that instrument prior to leaving the ground with the Mooney. Apparently me and the instructor didn't look that day. Something got stuck deep inside pitot tube according to the maint. mechanic.
  17. Separate the water and "stuff" and pour it back in. Most places that I fuel at have a red container for convenience. Happy to oblige... -a-
  18. If the caps still leak after the O-rings have been replaced.... Check the neck that they are sealing into. Rust has a tendency to eat all the way through on non- stainless versions... There are stainless solutions for this serious challenge. -a-
  19. Include the IO-550 in your conversations with the IO-360...if you can. Best regards, -a-
  20. I stick with the mooney recommended parts and procedures for my Ovation. You would have to show me some significant data and savings to make that decision. You have an Ovation, why start reinventing the oil change? Best regards, -a-
  21. I had the good fortune to meet Patrick on the phone this week. He was calling around to remind people of our NJ Mooney Fly-In. Glad to have met you Patrick! News and interview with Pat's Mom... http://www.news12.com/index.jsp?regionId=1&region_name=LI It seems Patrick was to graduate from college this week. Fly-on Patrick.... -a-
  22. That looks like fuel still in the tanks? 70 pounds is a lot of radios but not a lot of fuel. Check to see if the fuel was drained from the bottom of the tanks. 5 gallons on each side will build in 60 pounds of 100LL. Is it just the Mooney pilots concerned this much in W&B? -a-
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