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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. It's a case of unknown unknowns... I used the words "current photos" thinking they may change over time. Apparently, they already did... Best regards, -a-
  2. JimR, I'm not sure the fuel tanks are in unknown condition... The current photos are indicating known leaks, just the description may have missed the point.... -a-
  3. Skyking, Search for speed brakes... Just a week or two ago there was a recent thread on the subject. You might find some good experience. Do you have electric or vacuum driven? Best regards, -a-
  4. Ovation is a Tahoe with wings... If it fits in the Tahoe, it will fit in the Ovation... Keep in mind my Tahoe seats seven. Do your own W&B to be sure.... -a-
  5. Full flaps in a C is just about full up trim as well. I found setting full flaps, followed by full up trim and adjusting power was the way to go. My instructor back in the day gave me the guidance..."you can't get enough up trim in a Mooney" -a-
  6. Bob Cabe is highly recommended... 210 289 5375 Best regards, -a-
  7. Power still in all the way down the runway...? Then post the video....? -a-
  8. Outdoors near the sea shore is a tough environment. Avoid onshore breezes of salt air. Indoors, away from the ocean, kept mostly dry, using CorrosionX, full paint job in good condition, waxed, inspected and maintained... Can anyone do better than that? Best regards, -a-
  9. PD, I need one that counts time in the clouds as well.... Best regards, -a-
  10. Newer birds have two timers in the adf. One comes on with the master avionics switch and the other starts if you remember to push the button. covered both ways... WingX also has a timer and the LCD clock quadruples as a timer as well. -a-
  11. Scott, Think Continental IO-550...Turbocharged! I see a run up Pike's peak in your future... -a-
  12. Sign's of the economy improving! I feel better already. Congratulations Scott. Best regards, -a-
  13. Immelman, Your point is well understood. I live between Philly and NYC. There is a constant stream of continental /united airlines overhead... I was expecting this level of aluminum overcast to meet the expectations of the advertisements.. As Dave pointed out above, the data is dense in highly travelled areas. I don't expect my plane to have adsb-out any time soon. I'll maintain the MK-I eyeball for the near future... Is anyone really using this technology yet? Best regards, -a-
  14. I picked up a sky radar around last November. First priority is the weather picture. Second priority is the traffic picture. Would love to get the strikefinder data overlaid as well, not possible so far... Not bad for an old iPad... WingX seems to slowly improve overtime... Best regards, -a-
  15. Thanks Dave. Great screen shots! I see what you're saying... Were you able to match the traffic up visually as well? I would guess that the altitudes indicated are msl as reported by transponders? If they were relative to your position I would expect arrows pointing up or down. This is my best speculation, I will be reading the technical details if WingX has provided them.... Best regards, -a-
  16. Somebody made notice of the WingX update in another thread already. .... One of the updates is to include the long awaited...Traffic to go with you ADSB weather. Has anyone had the opportunity to give this a try? Anything positive to report? Concerns about old data, or uninitiated traffic? Best regards, -a-
  17. Stacy, It is always good to hear your "voice." Best regards, -a-
  18. You have just bumped into another reason to search for your own mooney... Or a partnership... -a-
  19. Glad you made the trip. Welcome to the USA. Best regards, -a-
  20. Oscar, Very Nice!!! Best regards, -a-
  21. Thanks Astel, I have updated my statement for improved accuracy. -a-
  22. Try a different spelling? Grey. Gray? -a-
  23. WR, Where are you located? Do you want someone to meet you at your location? Welcome to the Mooney world. Best regards, -a-
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