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Album Comments posted by carusoam


    Wow, Kyle!

    I thought formation with very different planes was interesting.

    But formation with a high wing sea plane, ship, and famous island...

    That’s really cool!

    Thanks for sharing the pics.

    Best regards,


  1. Every now and then...

    Things get posted in people’s galleries where they are hard for some to find and view...

    There are so many MSers... even a random walk will uncover some interesting things hidden in some deep tunnels...

    In this case... I don’t see a time stamp on the original post... as there would be in ordinary posts...

    @Shwan sorry to deliver some disappointing news here... 

    Continue to use the search function to see if there are any others available... people really like there Sky-tec starters... so finding them can be a challenge...

    Best regards,


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