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Everything posted by DonMuncy

  1. My impression (perhaps inaccurate) is that Aircraft Spruce stocks most all of the products they sell and only occasionally drop ships from suppliers, while Chief doesn't really stock anything, just places orders to suppliers to drop ship to customers. I think I only got this impression from my own dealings and what I have heard others report.
  2. On the flight home yesterday, I intentionally ran my left fuel tank dry, with the intent to calibrate a fuel dip stick. My plan is to call the fuel truck and top off the right tank and transfer it to the left tank a gallon at a time while marking the levels on my stick. I anticipate using a syphon hose to fill my gallon jug. What is the consensus of MSers for avoiding static sparks, both for the "syphoning from", and the "adding to" the tanks.
  3. I flew home from Centennial airport today. I filed through Fltplan.com. I received a message that the likely route would be Pikes 1 Departure. I printed a copy, as is my "belt and suspenders" habit. I got ready to go and called clearance delivery. They told me I was to use the Denver 1 departure. My Garmin 430 doesn't recognize a Denver 1 departure. After I got home today, I went on AirNav and found that departure. Basically, fly the heading and altitude assigned at take-off, and if com is lost, "do this". Is this common and I have just been living under a rock? Denver 1.docx Denver 1 a.docx
  4. Paul, Would you mind giving me the contact information for the independent CFI, either here or by PM. I would like to give him a call and maybe visit with him. Thanks
  5. Two gorgeous planes; wait, I am not allowed to brag on that back one. Sorry I wasn't around to see you when you arrived. When are you leaving?
  6. High overcast at Castle Rock at this moment.
  7. I don't know if I get the insurance discount, but that would be a big factor. Otherwise, you get the magazine, which is not near as nice as it once was. There is no longer a convention, so no benefit there. But it gives you access to the MAPA forum, which has value and allows you to stay in touch with some folks who aren't on Mooneyspace. So, it depends on how much you value those things. I still belong, as it is worth it to me.
  8. There aren't many (any) airliners parked in hangars with no plans of being flown soon.
  9. It looks good for most of us. I came from Dallas yesterday to Centennial (Denver). I only got about 1/2 hour of IMC. I'm here visiting my son in Castle Rock, to help him replace a head gasket on his wife's Prius. I'm having to adapt to trying to get enough oxygen at 6700 feet.
  10. I'm guessing that AOAi, is an Angle of Attack indicator, or instrument. First the disclaimer; I am a proponent of AOAs, but have no beef with anyone who feels they are not needed, or don't think they are justified. Knowing your angle of attack, is almost meaningless. But knowing the angle of attack where you plane stalls is invaluable. So the calibration is the key. When we installed mine, we went calculated the weight and used the POH figures to set the indicator (on mine, the blue light) at 1.3 times stall speed. We then flew to the stall buffet and located the indication where that occurred. I now know when I get to "the second yellow light" it is going to start buffeting, but not before. In my view, we (collectively)have always used the airspeed indicator as an indirect method of determining when a stall is going to happen, but the AOA gives the direct answer. I am not that good a pilot, and it is consoling to me to know that I can look and know how close I am to a stall. I am now more comfortable flying closer to the stall than before.
  11. Am I supposed to be proud or disgusted that I am a member of UFO.
  12. What is your source of information, Byron. I have not heard that. He is a young guy, and tremendously good at his job.
  13. A 252, up high, LOP, with long range tanks; you better be talking to Jose about a relief tube. What would that give you? 10 hours and 1700 nm. (I'm just throwing out numbers without any calculations.)
  14. I knew you couldn't be all bad if you spent time in Texas
  15. I admit that hubcaps don't really do anything. To me my plane just doesn't look fully dressed without them.
  16. Must be a regional dialect thing. I've heard it all my life. With that exact definition.
  17. The "little bit cupped" is beyond my capabilities. I made one for a friend that was polished (but flat). It took about an hour to make the hubcap, and about 3 hours to polish it. That is why mine are painted. But mine have the advantage of having a small hole with a cover, so you can check and add air without having to completely removing the hubcap.
  18. You need to be a little more specific. Several sources for hubcaps. If it is just a flat aluminum plate with three mounting holes, the ones I make would be virtually indistinguishable.
  19. I don't understand the "therecarexatblesstv4"
  20. Fox Mike, What do you mean about KFLY being a little tight? If I had to call on you for help, where is it that you might find hangar space?
  21. Two almost totally unrelated questions. In the next month I need to go to visit my son in Castle Rock Colorado, and will need to stay several days to a week. It appears that my choices are Centennial and Colorado Springs. Being a CB, I want to minimize costs of housing my plane, fees, fuel, etc. Gladly accepting advice as to FBOs, etc. My grand-daughter (in Castle Rock) is interested in getting her license. Any thoughts on flight schools, FBOs, private instructors with planes available, etc.
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