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Fastglasair 1

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  1. Well, we've used many styles of switches and haven't encountered any anomalies to date. With proper design in the voltage regulation circuitry electronic noise isn't an issue. Haven't seen switch bounce issues either. Off to OSH in the morning, so limited response from me till next weekend.
  2. The hall effect sensing unit is voltage regulated from 10 to 32 VDC. We have very significant variations in current 60% vs 100% and then strobe mode with many 0 to 100% current variations. We can even handle the current variations of 12/14 vs 24/28 volt systems with one sensing module version. It is powered off the same circuit as the light(s). We can Alternatively provide a secondary momentary spring loaded switch with the 2 color LED integrated within, manufactured that way from a switch supplier.
  3. Clarifying my prior statement. When first turning the light on its always on the brightest high setting. If you wait 4 seconds or more after any power activation it always goes back to landing (bright mode) again. You must not wait more than 3 seconds between button power initial starts or restarts to sequence between the 3 modes. It's actually quite simple to use. More than 3 seconds you keep getting the high setting. When you first turn it on if you in less than 3 seconds momentary disrupt power once it goes to strobe mode, again in less than another 3 it goes to low, the next time you interupt power momentary, you get back to high no matter how long you wait. Hopefully this clarifies your comment. Note; starting in high or getting back to high is the easiest foolproof thing to do. It's actually quite intuitive, once it's fully explained and you "play' with it for a couple of minutes. There is also the dual colored feedback LED that can be mounted behind a translucent 3 position rocker switch. Or a very small indicator 2 color LED adjacent to the switch. We have a few solutions/suggestions for that momentary switch operation.
  4. Yes that would be correct, before any relay would only sense the relay coil current. Not the higher current in high mode, the about 60% current in low mode and the pulsing current in pulse mode
  5. No, not in the engine compartment, just downstream from the LL switch or associated relay. Behind the instrument panel. Relatively easy and clean installation. With no additional wires to the light(s) needed.
  6. Yes it's all controlled within the unit. We are offering a feedback option to confirm the mode, it uses a hall effect sensor on the power wire going to the unit located behind the panel. When first turning the light on its always on the brightest setting, as long as you wait 4 seconds or more after any momentary power activation, it always goes back to landing (bright mode) at the next momentary activation. You must not wait more than 3 seconds between button power interruptions to sequence between the 3 modes. It's actually quite simple to use. More information about the 2 color small panel located indicator LED to indicate mode is on the website.
  7. As for the strobing mode, it's not much different than the wingtip strobes that do double or triple strobe pulses each cycle. We are going to be doing STC's shortly. Experimental installations and working on potential TC'd installations for the moment. We have done FAA RTCA DO160G testing with 21/M for radiated and conducted emissions. Passing the strictest levels
  8. It only needs 2 wires to do everything. That is a special large pins high current 2 pin Dsub. To switch modes, all that's required is a momentary removal of power to sequence to the next of 3 modes. No additional wires required.
  9. Well, we've been developing this product for quite a few years. Waiting until we could compare our new LED performance to the 50 W (2004) and 75 W (2007) watt HID. We've been offering aircraft HID since 2002 (35 W). There was no point in another "me too" general aviation LED product with inferior performance compared to HID. We have been in aviation lighting for more than 20 years, mostly selling to large multinationals & military and frequently out of the USA. This our new patented heatsink LED technology, is disruptive to the current market. 2.5 to 3X the Candela, (Candela and Candlepower are basically equivalent metrics) Lumens, Lux performance of anything currently on the market. We have sustained FULL output performance. The other LED products dim significantly as they warm up, often loosing more than 1/2 their rated output in 10 to 15 minutes. We also have 3 operating modes, High, Strobe (XeStrobe) and low (about 1/2) all modes can be selected by momentary removal of powered from the light. No other light of this 4.5" diameter can produce 322,000 Candela with a more than 10 degree wide beam or 1 Lux downrange at 1/3 mile, 1/2 Lux at 1/2 mile. https://www.xevision.com/led_aircraft.html
  10. Sorry, have to disagree there, it's a 10 + amps 2 gold pin Dsub connector.
  11. The cable is high temp Silicone, the connector is not plastic and safety wire locking compatible. This is VERY well engineered, many years in development. That's a more than 10 amp 2 gold pins rated Dsub. On the website you can see it a spinning animation. www.xevision.com/led_aircraft.html The lamp assembly is all CNC'd and mostly black anodized aluminum. Not thermal insulating powder coated heat sinking as many are. The AEROLED high power units get up to 180 degrees F on the back within 15 minutes, ours can be held in your hand after hours of use, due to active cooling.
  12. Yes you are right, not in a sealed area, just some air movement allowed through the wing. It is upgradeable and repairable being modular, also the optics are in a sealed area flooded with nitrogen so condensation can never be an issue. The more expensive units from Aero LED and AVEO Engineering are similarly priced but throw away units. WAT (Whelen /Lopresti) want about $2000 for their HID conversions and about $700 for their higher end LED. 322,000 Candela is 2.5 to 3X the distance performance of any other product currently on the market. With 1Lux available out to 1/3 mile.
  13. Why run new wires, it has the same current requirements as a 4509 incandescent, 100 watts, it can be operated 12/14 or 24/28 electrical systems.
  14. XeVision has just unveiled a new Par-36 LED with active cooling, sustained 11,000 lumens and about 322,000 Candela. 10 degrees primary beam. Because of the active cooling there is no degradation of output. They do have lab certified testing and prove these claims. www.XeVision.com The unit total depth installed is about 1/2 inches less than a typical HID landing light. It also has a phenomenal strobe mode, much better than wig-wag.
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