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  1. Thanks Carusoam! Thankfully my flying skills are better than my computer skills. Maybe you can help with this one too. Rather than add another posting, I'm just tagging on. I flew Sunday to Arkansas from Dallas. I fueled up on my stop and did a quick walk-around, so this definitely happened on my return trip. Not sure if anyone has had this happen, but this access panel under the tail ripped in half somewhere between Arkansas and Dallas. My mechanic was able to fabricate a new panel, and it didn't cause any issues, but I thought I'd share the experience. My mechanic said it was just sheet metal screwed to sheet metal and it appears a screw or two let loose. He's added backings so we can bolt the panels on going forward. He's also used heavier duty panels. Anyway, just thought I'd share. In case anyone wants to check their panels to make sure they're sound... Adam
  2. I appreciate all of the responses! This clears up a lot! To answer Brian's question...yes, it is logged as PIC time. So I'm thinking I'm covered as far as night is concerned. I also appreciate the information on the cross-country logged time. Since I use my plane mainly for taking trips, most of my cross-country time is overnight or over several days. So I appreciate the response to that and it's good to know those flights can be counted as one. I've always felt that a cross-country flight doesn't end until you get back home. You may stop for a few hours to visit a town or have lunch, so why should that pause make them separate flights? Just how I've always thought of it. I'm new to the forum, so I appreciate the responses! I'm on my second Mooney. I bought a M20C years ago and then traded it in for a 1981 M20J (N1141K). This is my fourth airplane and I'm pretty sure this is my last. I'm in love with the 201. It's the only plane I've ever flown that actually gets the speeds that the book says it should. It's pretty standard to look down and see a 165 KTS ground speed. Though I loved my C model, the extra room, speed and electric gear made me fall in love all over again. Don't ask me why the picture is upside down. I tried everything and it always popped up that way. Thanks again to everyone! Adam
  3. I have a few questions about CPL flight time requirements. I own a M20 J and have around 510 hours about 100 of which are in Mooneys. My question however is not about Mooneys, it's about flight time and what counts. I know for sure most of what I've done counts towards the CPL requirements with the exception of these questions: 1. I have 4.6 hours of night time post my PPL license and another 3 that was conducted before earning my PPL. So does that time count towards the 5 hours requirement even though it was pre-PPL? 2. I have an instrument rating with about 100 hours instrument time. Does that cover the 10 hours instrument training requirement for 61.127? It seems to me if I have taken my check ride and have an instrument rating, that should count. I'm just not sure if that specifically must be done under some CPL requirement? 3. Lastly, that 3 hours long night cross country done prior to my PPL, does that satisfy the CPL requirement for the 2 hours cross country or do I need to repeat it now that I have my PPL? Nearly all of my flights are trips, so I more than meet the cross country requirements including the long 300 NM with one leg of 250 NM from point of departure. I've flown several just to make sure its covered. In one instance I flew from Augusta, GA to the Bahamas, but stayed there a few days so I'm not sure that counts as "one flight". It was certainly long enough, but since I have done others this is just a general curious question... Thanks! Adam
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