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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. On my 252, yes, right next to the fuselage on the wing root at the pilot-side window, I have a push button drain button. There is also a static drain (same type of button) on the fuse on the same side b/w the wing and the elevator.
  2. I have the same one as @wpbarnar. It seems great so far and leak free.
  3. As an application developer, my profession, we get a lot of feedback from users that click on a "tile" within the app. Like your categories, on "why will it not click when i press on it." Well, in your case, you have the anchor tags on the text itself but the visual indication you can click the entire tile. Unless you do only text links, like Controller, I would suggest you make the entire "tile" clickable. Nice clean, response design - Bootstrap or derivative? Great job!
  4. "Been there, done that..." too! However, if the cap is sealed, could it be condensation, or moisture that collected inside the top of the fuel cap and got sucked out and down the wing. Based on the picture, it does look like it came from the fuel cap but no hint of Blue from 100LL.
  5. I had a 1982 M20K 231 that I replaced all the nav/strobes, tail, and beacon with the Whelen LEDs (650E, 500, 90520) and My A&P/AI just documented with a logbook entry, too. All my old ballasts came out saving me some UL# and we also ran the sync wire for the three strobes. The LEDs were way brighter and much less strain on my electrical system.
  6. This is what we used to snake the sync wire of my last airplane’s LED install. We snaked this thru the wing grommets. Cen-Tech 65327 3/16" x 11' Fiberglass Wire Running Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001RV4T3U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_c7FaBb9DNZ2JX
  7. Don’t know. I will retake another look at the POH but there is definitely a checklist item to turn it off for TO. Next time I have a question to DMax, I will ask about this one.
  8. I run my 252 by the book for TO and Landing, electrical fuel pump (low boost) off.
  9. First time OSH, first time Caravan, an camping.
  10. My hanger fairy sends me a bill afterwards, with a cute little sticker label. Most of the time I have to fly it to Longview and leave my plane in a hanger that (I hear) have many fairy angels.
  11. Agree, good idea. I will look for the thicker style. @Mike Ropers (above) had a good list that has now been added to my own. I think my first impulse purchase is to get a set of the QT Halo headsets. I have a pair of A20s and that plug-in (lemo) to my plane for power so no batteries but would like to try something different.
  12. Yes, the audio panel is a beast to wire - I hear. I bet my avionics shop would quote close to that at $100/hr.
  13. What about other gear besides tie-downs? I think I have that covered. This will be my first Caravan and OSH visit so I am gathering stuff now.
  14. I received an email from DAC on this very topic just last week: We request that the unit be returned to DAC for bench check and any software update and the cost is $995 and includes STC authorization to reinstall the unit. This will not include annunciator or install kit, these can be purchased separately. -DAC
  15. M20K 252 uses 49psi for the nose, 45psi for the mains. Seems I always have to look it up, need to placard my own! Good idea.
  16. Today, I don’t have a FF switch. It does me no good to add FF then? Or can the switch be added?
  17. Are you saying the model number other than the “JPI 830”? I had also read that - plugging in the extra sensors just lights them up on the display but I’d like confirmation on that first. Wish I had a display to try as the harnesses should be plug-n-play.
  18. I might be interested in this. I have an EDM 700 but for the TCM TSIO-360 with sensors (6-cyl) already installed. I wonder what it will take for JPI to make this see the other 2 cylinders? I would need to get my own RPM sensor since I have the Impulse (Pressurized) Slick mags. Hmmm....
  19. Registered, and will be my first Summit. Looking forward to it!
  20. At my local FAAST chapter last night, was "Dinner with ATC - on open question and answer session" Someone posed the question to our local ATC group: "What (if anything) has ADS-B done for you guys? Do you see more information?" Representing our local ATC, was Little Rock Approach Control and Tower associates. They said, for Approach Control and Tower - they can tell (or not) if we have it and can "validate" it but it really does not help them that much. They have really good Radar coverage in the local (terminal) area but they have talked with several of the local Centers (Memphis Center) and it does help them much better see targets is more error-prone (rural areas) around the state. Or targets they could not normally see at lower altitudes. I asked them about better (voice/data) communications like this topic but did not have any comment on that - or anything useful to share. Digital ATIS for the GA crowd would be nice. They recently have a lot of construction at KLIT and our ATIS message is very long.
  21. I have been looking at the Precise Flight X3 Demand Conserver but also looking at the Mountain High O2D2 conserver as well. Anyone had experience with both and prefer one over the other? The PF seems to be mechanical where the MH version is battery operated. I have heard that the 02D2 can alert you if O2 stops or it senses a problem. I am looking for a good mask right now. I am wondering size and microphone (enabled) versions. I have the mustache-type (oxymizer) cannual right now, the manual A-5 Flow Meter for the with connectors for the stock O2 onboard (252). I think my set came with the cheaper style mask but not used it yet with the regular boom mike for my A20 headsets.
  22. When you login to Flight Aware, in the settings... you can show "position only flights": Nice write-up and glad you are okay. I just practiced a steep spiral yesterday to a power-off 180 in prep for my CPL checkride.
  23. Thanks Stephen, those are the kinds of things others have stated and was hoping for a little different shop maybe somewhere close. Yes, I was talking about the physical routes of the previous sensor cables - not reuse. Like you said, using them to pull the new ones thru the firewall and using the existing holds in the CHT/EGT/TIT, etc. I would use all new sensors and wires. Thanks for the PIREP.
  24. I am interested in this thread. I am just down the road from you in Conway, AR (KCXW) with a 252 that has an EDM 700 currently. I am looking to do this very upgrade. I am most interested in your shop in Rogers. A local buddy used a guy in Hot Springs and was dissatisfied with the install or maybe the issues they have run into as a result of the install. Another friend used a place in Fort Smith but it was very expensive (labor) because they had never done one before. As you (and I) have had the EDM 700 prior, I am hoping that helps a little with at least the routing of the sensors.
  25. Try on a Mid-body: M20F, J, or if you prefer a turbo - a M20K. For two people and possibly a smaller 3rd or 4th - the mid-body works great for us. I don't live near big hills (Mountains) but I prefer the higher teens and flight levels for speed so the 252 M20K fits me well.
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