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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. I seriously considered this setup but I decided against since the 10” was so much easier to install (new) with everything being able to bolt into the unit and I wasn’t impressed with their engine monitor setup just yet.
  2. I, too, have both GP and FF. I have GP for database updates to the panel but use FF as my primary. Looking at the features (https://foreflight.com/pricing/) the aural alerts might be lumped under Hazard Advisor & Hazard Alerts EDIT: Maybe @hypertech knew better. I do like that feature. And, best of all, when my tablet is connected to my audio panel, everyone gets those alerts over the headsets. Also, the "Cabin Altitude is above 12,500" is a nice aural announcment as well.
  3. Half the cost of a TXi is twin G5’s; that option exists today. If you add the autopilot adapters to each, still (half), so the demand is being met today. Remember the cost of installing is just about going to be equal on all: new panel, new wiring, new interfaces. You want a G3X for a certified aircraft but at experimental prices; I do, too, but it is not going to happen, this year or next, unless the FAA throws out that reg. We can revisit this again during OSH this year and next to prove it. If you want something better than the G5 but less expensive than the TXi, but near the same install cost: Two screen Aspen Pro (Max)
  4. Registered! Looking forward to my second OSH/Caravan.
  5. I still have not jumped to the Perf Plus version, the 3D is not enough for me, neither is the PDC (yet) because its limitations. I would like the performance data but I have to maintain a Garmin Pilot (cheapest plan) to get the database concierge for my database updates in the panel mounted equipment. In fact, I still have yet to pay for the GP subscription because of the 12 month promotions and other promotions when purchasing of the Garmin hardware. That (lowest) GP plan has the perf data for my aircraft, including calculated TAS and fuel-burn for my selected altitude/temps so I do it there and then just plug in my TAS data into my filing for FF. Reading the FB comments on the ForeFlight post, a lot of loyal FF customers are not happy with the FF pricing model. This one guy posted: Don't get me wrong, I am a FF fanboy, too, but not to the extent I want (or need) the PerfPlus subscription yet.
  6. Yes! Just coming out of annual from SWTA, they replaced a couple of placards on the nose truss and highlighted with the red paint (fingernail polish) the tow limits. They are very visible now, but like you say even better when the cowl flaps are closed on our 252s. I will try to get a picture today.
  7. I check my truss, too, but I think mine has some stops built-in. Does anyone have some really good pictures that show where to check and what to look for? I check the two angled trusses going up to the point. I still tell the line-guys that I have tow limits. They (mostly) all shrug and indicate that they already know about it - but at least if there is damage, I feel better about going back to them.
  8. I will have one (four) available soon. That does not help you now but the new CiES should have been shipped already. Let me know if you don’t find one before.
  9. Doesn't Blackstone give you a summary of their findings in the report? I am not just talking about the levels, but more of a descriptive narrative of what could be happening?
  10. Fly inverted. EDIT: ahh, someone beat me to it.
  11. Single pilot, full fuel.
  12. Here is my M20K in cruise, level flight trimmed.
  13. I do not think they will certify their G3X anytime soon. Their new TXi is basically that system for certified aircraft with included engine monitor. I have had an 830 with steam gauges today and looked hard at their EIS offerings but ultimately decided against in favor for a JPI 930 for my panel re-do. I would have gone with the 900 but my panel layout is going to better align with the 930 sized display. All equipment has been ordered.
  14. If you overlayed a RNav approach with the same mins over and ILS, and the plane flew both (perfectly) would their track (and angle) be identical? I am not talking about an offset ILS, but a standard one.
  15. Excellent observation - I might have to steal that someday.
  16. Correct. My 252 Encore has anodized red aluminium electric speedbrakes.
  17. My M20K is the same way, or maybe the elevator it commanding an up pitch about 5d; I’ll have to look next time I fly again but I have wondered the same thing... while at cruise.
  18. My M20K doors are tight. In fact, maybe too tight. I am picking it up from annual tomorrow and one of my squawks was the lower door rubbing on the main door when gear is down and full weight is on the wheels.. I think my MSC resolved that with re-rigging. The doors should be flush, I am almost positive.
  19. Quote from BT thread: A percent power gauge is not currently available in the TXi EIS software. This is something that we want to add in a future software version, but I don't have a specific timeline for implementation. Thanks, Levi Self Aviation Project Manager
  20. Yep, as most thing I have found - throwing more money at the problem seems to help.
  21. I vote Bravo, too, for ice protection. But, if you could find (or look for) a 252 Encore with FIKI, you might find it within that range. The 252 will give you the turbo (ice protection) and save fuel flying just a little slower than the Bravo with less fuel burn. The good thing with the 252 Encore, is the the useful load. A Fiki Bravo might be challenged in the weight department. My Encore (not FIKI) has near 1100 useful with steam gauges and can do 90% of what the Bravo can do - speed. The best speed mod is skipping the fuel stop and getting to your destination. By the time I remove all the old instruments, I can probably gain at least another 50lbs. The 252 is considered a "mid-body" compared to the O2 and Bravo's "long-body", the longer the "body" the more room you have in the baggage compartment. The front seats and back seats are the same.
  22. O-300, aircraft lubricating engine.
  23. I feel like the EIS is just not there yet for Garmin. I ended up going with a JPI 930.
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