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Shiny moose

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Posts posted by Shiny moose

  1. I think this is what your wanting

    Go make your own is the easiest.  if its for IFR training make it simple, you dont want a lot of different airspeeds, 90kts/103mph is your friend for IFR training. Use it for all except cruising enroute to train. Keep it simple, dont be jamming in full power in for missed approach

    go fly in the climb trim for 90KTS, dont touch your trim again, slowly pull power to levl your alt, note power setting, put gear down use power only to get -500( you wont need much if any ) , then -750, now level alt with gear down, now climb(to climb SLOWLY add A few inches above your 90KTlevel power setting and pull up gear all at 90 KTS ) , level at 90,  using the first power setting you found 90KT level power setting, write all down, add all configurations you want, if you use flaps you will have to retrim and your workload will increase, keep it simple, these are starting points, add configurations for your needs 


    Speed  MP   RPM   flaps   gear   ROC/ROD 

    90.                                                     00

    90.                                                   -500

    90.                                                   -750

    90                                                    + whatever for MA climb


  2. I also have a 67F, 201 windscreen, gap seals, cowl closure. My opinion is 1st  a good engine monitor allowing better ROP/LOP now combine that  with execllent fuel quanity measurement,  Next would be an Autopilot to keep you on track. Limiting fuel stops and turns will save you more time and money than a possible 2Kt increase in speed with a mod 

  3. My daughter tested postive( cold symtoms only but a friend was positive  ) she lives in a back buliding at my house. We thought we should get tested and then the shit show started. The health department could not understand that she lives at the same address but not in the house. My experience is that this is a bunch of bullshit that nobody really knows whats going on. 

    Oh and everyone with an Iphone go to settings, privacy, health, and turn off your covid -19 tracking  

    • Like 3
  4. I tested negitive, but had to go to dr to get tested , now i have to report that i had a dr visit, why I had a visit, proof that I tested negitive( how else will they know). 

    I got a letter from health dept that i was not allowed to leave my home or even answer the door for 14 days, cause i was negitive, and could at any moment become positive, with the threat of jail time if i did not comply.  I will not do that agian. I will not be responsable and try and do the right thing, i will not accept a letter from the health department(i will just throw it away)  I will not answer my phone for unknown numbers, and god help them showing up at my door .

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    • Thanks 1
  5. Look at the book numbers, comparing  a mooney like my 67F and an 1967 C182. I think you will find the take off data very close, and both are quite capable. 67 Mooney does not provide grass data.  DA is the key. 90 degree day at a 2000ft elevation 2500ft grass strip with trees not much room for error. 

    Most interesting is the 182 IAS/ CAS error with flaps down for take off.  Low weight take off book climb is 52 IAS (below white arc VSO)  CAS 63 plus. Know your aircraft!! 


  6.      ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I remember my first written, sitting at a dining room table, the dudes cat in my lap, while I filled in circles. No E6B needed. I took 3 writtens at his house 

  7. 4 hours ago, RobertGary1 said:

    walk it yourself or someone you trust to measure the gopher holes and ruts. Maybe being a traildragger pilot I see a different class of fields but I'd say about 30% of the fields I've been in in the Aeronca can handle a Mooney without damage.



    Im not saying unimproved, and not before me or someone I trust has looked at runway surface. Most of the older singles were built when grass was the normal and have no ussues on grass, any hole even in asphalt could ruin your day.

    most of you guys dont know how much 6 inches is nevermind 10 :)

    • Haha 1
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