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Shiny moose

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Posts posted by Shiny moose

  1. 3 minutes ago, aviatoreb said:

    I saw on tv - was it abc wild world of sports? - ice motorcycle racing on some frozen lake somewhere - maybe it was there too?  In the 70's.  It's wild - motorcycles with spiked tires which still they just crash - a lot.  A good time was had by all.

    Ya a few of the older kids had spiked tires on their bikes when i was younger(not sure why track racing with spiked wheels on motorcycles wasnt a long lived sport) , my Father would take me to the ice races, lots of crashes into the snow banks. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, RobertGary1 said:


    And its very normal for the PPI to find a laundry list of issues, even if the last annual was done by the top Mooney mechanic in the country. Decades ago I used to alternate between two Mooney service centers and they always found things the other didn't. You're not buying a brand new BMW, if there are no issues then you didn't get a PPI. EVERY real PPI will come up with issues.


    I agree that any mechanic will find many items that have been missed by prior mechanics, or maybe not recorded, or not determined to be an issue at the previous inspection. A list of items during a PPI should be expected, and can be as detailed as the buyer would like. 

  3. My .02

    Do not be in a hurry

    Buy the model that fits your mission. 

    Nothing wrong with a 60's Mooney or any other make, its about how its been maintained, locations its lived. 

    Buy the best one you can afford, with some of your desired avionics

    Not only an escrow but have the title search for history.

    Find a very quaified trustworthy Mechanic for the PPI. Not the same one thats been maintaining that particular aircraft 

    Have a great PPI done, How about just get an annual done, with(if you can) all airworthy items paid for by seller( airworthy can be subjective, so have discussions on this issue before any PPI is started). 

    a list of non airworthy items for your review and approval for purchase, so you can take care of these known issues throughout the next year using your local mechanic. 

    Talk with your insurance company, they could require more dual and solo hours than you think. This will add to your initial budget as you will want this done rather quickly.  

    Find a real mooney instructor. 

    You might spend thousands of dollars upfront, but save yourself 10s of thousands by not buying someone elses problems 


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  4. On 12/27/2020 at 5:52 AM, skykrawler said:

    A 750 to 800 rpm idle is too high IMHO.  Needs to be 550 to 650.

    I replaced the original control cable rod ends with spherical bearing joints.  The hole had elongated on original cheap ball/socket joint (which was 36 years old) would bind sometimes and prevent the controls from reaching the closed stop.  The was a problem on both the mixture and the throttle.   The parts are available in a kit, but you can buy them from separately from Spruce.


    Did you find PN 550017-005 at Spruce? Seems to be a Mooney PN actullay Nose gear spacer?

  5.  visually make sure your carb heat is working properly and its also closing and opening completly, not loose. No leaks in exhaust or intake, recheck them for signs of leaks. Recheck those carb stops. Mag timing?? 

    Idle and mixture settings only when engine is to temp, not just warm, no more than 50RPM increase ( 25 better) when mixture its pullled. Dont forget to clear between adjustments

    then you can move on to prop take off  RPM 

    My .02

    • Thanks 1
  6. My early flying in the midwest taught me alot about Icing, both carb icing and airframe icing.  Carb icing can sneak up on you, a slow loss of power during cruise,  or on take off or climb out when your just not perfoming as well as you should. Dont hesitate to apply carb heat when you think icing is possible, you can aways turn it off.  During initial climb out When your engine swallows that first chunk of water in bad carb icing, it will get your attention, you will think the carb heat is the problem when the engine shutters for which seems to last for several min ( really only a second). Now continuing your initial climb out with reduced perfomance is another thought process. 

    Make sure your carb heat works properly. 

    dont ever say it wont happen to you.

    know the indications of carb icing beyond the carb temp guage

    should have more focus during primary/ IFR  training

    dont hesitate to use your carb heat

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