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Shiny moose

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Posts posted by Shiny moose

  1. I cruise  my old 67F 68-69% using book power settings  down low 5-8K 147 148kts, where is wants to be is 10-13K where I normally get 156-158 TAS Ive done a bunch of 3 and 4 way GPS runs. Thats 67 book speeds but I have gap seals, 201 screen, and cowl closure, rigged very good, paint poor but waxed. I have not touched the elusive 160Kt in level cruise 

  2. use skew t charts to help with tops(youtube is your friend) pireps on foreflight and listen on center for tops,  turb, and Icing encounters along your route, using ads-b radar look at general direction of cells before departure and be aware of time delay of adsb radar it can be 15 min or more,  plan the back side of TS dont try to outrun a TS, give the midwwestern storms a wide berth (20 Miles if able), know the direction of TS travel!! Land for fuel before you need to land for fuel, 


    Just my .02

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  3. I am also looking for a GFC500 install in the midwest, since Jan i was on a waiting list,  then for the last 3 weeks my plane sat at a what was at one time a respectable avionics shop, they never ordered anything, just gave me a lot of lip service. Lots of lies and confusing statements, from the bosses daughter.  Picked up the plane yesterday. 

  4. I would trade for a Helio courrier HT295 Trigear, with long range tanks 120 gal. Flew them quit a bit along with H-295s , 395s  in the early 90s. Trigear keeps the insurance rates just a little lower. Really fun, a real 4 seater 6 seats possible, 1500 lb useful load, 130kts, TO and land under 500 ft. 

    prop 40K and wait to be built, engine oh 40K. But damn they are fun 

  5. You do not need a FS210 to use your Ipad/ foreflight, the 210 will allow your 430 to talk to foreflight, transfering  your routing via wireless, but it must be hard wired to your 430 and powered. You can then transfer routing from 430(panel) to ipad or the other direction, it saves time by only having to put info into 1 item then transfer. 

    A few things that were important to me! 

    I find foreflight amazing (I was an old paper guy also) 

    it will take time to learn 

    You need an adsb in system for traffic and weather

    Foreflight can be put on 2 ipads and 1 phone, use them for backups

    Keep your Ipad powered in the plane with a proper USB charger not a cheap cig lighter charger, mine wont last long on bat. (I got an older Ipad)

    Keep your Ipad cool, wintertime with heat on can cause issues depending on Ipad location


    No victor airways/ jet routes in a 430 for routing, put the V/J routes in the Ipad routing then transfer to 430 !!! 

    Quick atc reroute or picking route around a thunderstorm on the ipad, then send to 430!(careful with adsb radar as it can be old and not a great depiction of real activity, but its better than blind)

    pick your star or sid on a 430 then send to Ipad!

    430 approaches will be routed on the Ipad but you will have to choose the approach for the plate to show up on the Ipad




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