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Shiny moose

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Everything posted by Shiny moose

  1. alan, is this valve that is equal to the bi805 still available. would you have the accutrack panel laying around

    1. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      No panel , just the valve... Regards Alan

    2. Shiny moose

      Shiny moose

      What did this valve come out of, was it operational when removed? I promise not to do 50 questions and 300 pictures


    3. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      Don't remember , but it is part of a B5 system..

  2. Do you have a Brittain system for sale ? I might be interested 

  3. What components due you have, I'm looking for the accu track, accu flits or the full blown autopilot system 

  4. Im looking to by the components for upgrading my Brittian PC system to an Accutrack or a Accuflite, Heck I would even consider the PCAH2 with altitude hold please contact me vai PM, email jeel@mchsi.com or call 417-437-84ateseven jeff
  5. alan, looking for Brittian accu Track(preferred) or an Accu flight add on parts for my Moony M20F with a PC system

    Jeff Howe





  6. I would be interested in both of the fuel caps if I'm not cutting in line

  7. I have great interest in this, as far as engine management goes. I would like to see more video of the operation, I have seen the one on YouTube but would like more information. What about people without fast acting probes or non fancy egt systems. I have and older tetra 2 egt/ cht . Does this us its own egt probe, or are we to tap into the hottest probe?
  8. I guess bent is bent! I checked mine ( new to me M20F) today, in the first 12 inches with a straight edge I've got more than an 1/8 inch bend! That could be a 1/4 inch over the length of the tube. I will be removing it to have it straightened next week. Thanks for the input
  9. Thanks for the information. Do you think the bend happened due to something getting stuck under the j bar during retraction (i.e. A seatbelt) and I wonder how many of these j bars are bent and we don't even know it, the preload is just considered our at annual and adjusted until the gear is just to hard to unlock or lock for an average person ( excluding Arnold or Hulk)
  10. So Please explain how you determined it was bent , where exactly was the bend , and explain how it was straightened. using this information for my own benefit
  11. KJLN Joplin Missouri. Plenty of runways and instrument approaches, 100LL under 4 dollars. Only 2 flights a day from the airlines, corporate and training is also limited so no waiting, tower personal are fantastic. Hanger 165 per month including lights, a 15 amp outlet, sliding doors and just enough room for the M20F and my tools. Best part is I live 1.5 miles away from hanger
  12. I understand torque wrench calibration and gear rigging very well, we're it got a bit weird was where to measure the movement according to the maintenance manual it's not measured at the end of the link where a feeler gauge could be used, or I'm just reading to much into this. If I was home I would copy the paragraph. Anybody??
  13. So I used one an electronic torque adapter to rig my new to me m20f gear. It worked really well and consistent readings, anyone else used one of these or think that it's a bad idea this is not the one I have but you get the idea .https://www.denniskirk.com/283927.sku?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&gclid I just had a hard time with the .005-.010 movement at X as stated in the MM. Now that's a calibrated finger. I would like to hear more on the measurement . I did Use a cut down feeler gauge for the movement at the link edge but I could feel movement way before this feelergauge had clearance. the MM shows movement location away from the edge of the link not at the edge. I would like to hear from experienced people on the best way to measure this. My gear seems way to tight at the Johnson bar, with a new downlock block from laser
  14. I am looking for a set of travel boards for my M20F. Hangerbox is not an option (closed) . I would buy, or rent.
  15. Thanks for everyone's help. I did purchase a set. Now on to the next Mooney tool purchase
  16. I would be interested Ina set of Mooney gear tools 


    jeff Howe


  17. Hey everyone, new to this sight and a new Mooney owner. I'm seeking gear rig tools both main and nose. If anyone has a set to sell, I would be interested
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