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  1. I am in the process of buying a 1976 M20F in Stuart Fl. and i would like to get to know some local Mooney Drivers.

  2. Hey guys, just wanted some help and tips on flying a 252 versus a M20. It will be my first time flying a turbo aircraft, I have over 800 hours in a M20F. Any tips and advice for flying it would be appreciated. It will be a cross country, planning to take advantage of the altitude and use oxygen.
  3. Hey guys, The current owner I fly for who currently owns a Comanche 250, wants to upgrade his plane. His mission is based out of PBI and the usual trips are weekly to New Orleans, and mainly to Philly and New Jersey. He also always loads his plane max gross so a plane which a high useful load is a must, also a good cruise speed and range is a must in order to fly direct to Philly and such and also in the future be able to make crossings to Europe. His budget is about 400K, a couple of my options right now is a Cessna 421C, Cessna 414, possibly an Aerostar? Lemme know with your reasons and operating costs with the aircraft.
  4. We bought he plane at 400 hours it had been sitting a while before that
  5. Operated great on the ground, will idle at 600 but normally keep it above 1000, flying it around 400 hours a year.
  6. I know a lot of people on this site, Jake at Daytona aircraft Service is highly recomended! Been with them over a year, and as a Mooney Service Center, they truly care about customer service and quality work, be sure to stop by!
  7. When the problem starts to occur right on final every time it does, I make sure my rpm is full, but if I try to give it power the plane starts to shake and won't give me full power, and I do not have an engine monitor
  8. Full rpm, low altitude, mixture rich, oil temp is good and chts are good
  9. It's the strangest thing, I know it shouldn't be related to the oil level
  10. Hey guys my plane came out of annual about a month ago, ever since then I noticed that when I fly if the oil gets to under 6 quarts when I decend to the airport after flying as soon as I get to the airport and am about to land, I notice the oil pressure will drop to about 50 which is still within means and my engine starts shaking and not producing full power?? Please help
  11. Hey guys I'm finishing up commercial training in my Mooney and my instructor is unfamiliar with Mooneys and how to configure the airplane and the speeds to use for the maneuvers as well as power settings. If you guys could just put any tips you have and as well speeds for certain maneuvers such as lazy eights, accelerated stalls, and eights on pylons, I appreciate anything I can get.
  12. I'm flying it pretty much every day.
  13. Hey guys I've been flying for a little while now and I'm finishing up my commercial here this month. While I'm still a relatively new pilot with about 600tt and 450 being in a Mooney, as well as a type rating in the Citation 500. I was wondering if anyone could lead me in the path of doing some ferry work either for mooneys or any planes. I would appreciate any help I can get.
  14. Would you recommend I switch to w100?
  15. Hey guys currently on my M20F I use 15w50, I hange the oil and filter every 25 hours and I'm currently seeing oil burn of 1qt every 5-6 tach hours and as it gets closer to 25 I'm seeing 1qt every like 2/3 hours. I was wondering if i were to switch to a different oil what effect that would have and is that a good idea?
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