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Everything posted by Houman

  1. Well, the engine has a bit more than 100 Hrs since Factory remanufactured, so it's basically almost brand new, same for props and Gami injectors... I guess once I'm used to it, I will try a few things with a good CFI or someone with a bit more time on this kind of engine than me...
  2. Hi, I'm looking for some real life experience from 305 Rocket owners/pilots... Before getting the pleasure of actually flying my recently purchased M20K 305 Rocket on an actual long range trip, I'm reading a lot about the Lean of Peak operations and how it can keep the engine cooler, use less avgas and not lose too much of speed. Talking to the current owner of the aircraft ( I bought 50% in a partnership with him ), he tells me that the 305 Rocket engine will not run Lean of Peak, since it heats up too much, he is an ex airline pilot, so there is a world of difference in experience between him and my 120h hours of flying on my PPL and I greatly respect his airmanship knowledge. Btw, the particular Rocket has GAMI injectors and a JPI EDM 7000. Thanks for your opinions and experience running this engine either LOP or ROP.
  3. I ended up buying them directly at the Mooney Service Part service, Steve Rue was amazingly nice and they think they have all the parts in stock, so I should be good... Thanks for everyone's help and comments !!!
  4. I kind of agree with you both, but my co-owner rarely flyies this plane, only for tripps to Florida or Bahamas, he has another plane for short trips and sunday afternoon burger runs. I on the other hand, will use this plane to build up my hours and go many places, and just to start, I have to do 25 hours as requested by insurance before I can take passengers, so I don't think he would find that fair... If we pay the same amount to the reserve if he uses the plane for 10h that year and I for 60 or 70 hours...
  5. Houman

    M20K Rocket before import

    This is my plane, before I bought it...
  6. From the album: M20K Rocket before import

    I like the spead break !!!
  7. Houman


    From the album: M20K Rocket before import

    To be improved, a new GTN will be installed and some old avionics ( Loran stuff ) removed...
  8. Well, I know about the wife thing, my ex didn’t even want me to get a jet ski for more than 8 years, so instead, I got her her walking papers (or maybe she gave me my walking papers) so now, I decide how to spend my hard earned cash, and I can't think of any better way that doing it at 200 kias ... or maybe 180 kias if I want to spend a bit less on fuel!!! Question here is that in order to have a harmonious partnership with the other owner, and prevent any undue frustration as to who pays for what, it is much better to have an agreement about this... it's like a prenup, it's not needed until it is needed, and believe me, I learned that lesson the hardest way possible !!! lol
  9. Yeah, we are doing the same thing, fixed costs divided equally and usage cost would contain the overhaul and maintenance... The fixed costs are somewhat easy to predict, but usage cost is not something I am familiar with on this airplane, specially with the Turbocharge and the bigger engine... The current owner owns the plane without any financing on it, I'm buying 50% of it, so we need to keep this fair for both...
  10. Hi, thanks for the offer, can you please email the spreadsheets to my email : Pilotinglife@hotmail.com Thanks !
  11. Well, a friend of mine has a partnership for his C172, what they have done, is open a joint bank account at bank, with a 2 credit cards on that account, so it then doesn’t matter who fuels the plane, pays for the annual and everything. They have figured out a wet rate for the plane, and each person at the end of the month, deposits the amount of money depending on their flying time. The rate covers all their costs and covers the engine overhaul and all.. If one person decided to sell their part of the plane, whoever buys the part also on the joint account, this way, the plane doesn’t depreciate because of engine is near overhaul time, the money for it is already in place...
  12. That's funny Erik, I guess if I owned the plane all to my self, I would'nt have cared as much, but in a partnership, you want to make sure it's fair for both !!!
  13. Hi, My co-owner and I are building a partnership agreement for our Mooney M20K Rocket and we want to figure out an hourly rate to cover the cost of using the airplane, probably more Dry, but maybe also Wet. I was wondering if any Rocket owners have something like this figured out. We are looking at the following costs : Engine Overhaul, Annual Maintenance, 50 & 100 Oil change and inspections, IFR certification and else... Any Rocket related experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !!!
  14. Wow, I'm getting my M20K Rocket at about 130h of flying on a C172 and Beach C23 ( low wings ), I was a bit reluctive, since the insurance is asking me for 15h of instructions and 10h of solo before I can take passengers. Not sure if Canadian insurances are more strick, but heck... I think the training is worth it with 305 HP under the hood !!!
  15. Yeah I have 2 POH, but not with me, they are with the plane while it's being imported, so I tought I catch up on the systems. Would love to get my hands on a pdf version of POH, to put in my ForeFlight Document section... Thanks very much to all, it's great as a new mooniac to get so much support from fellow Mooney owners and pilots !!!
  16. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find either electronic or if someone has paper copies of manuals for some of the avionics I have for an M20K Rocket I just purchased. The logs are all good, but not much of manuals or instructions on the avionics came with the plane. Here is the manuals I'm most interested in getting : Cont. TSIO 520 NB Turbocharged 305 max HP Century HIS, dual slaving JPI EDM 700 digital engine monitor Century two axis autopilot WX-10 Stormscope Electronics International Digital TIT Davtron M811B Clock w/flight time and airswitch Thanks for all the help !!!
  17. Can you tell me how much and if you are in Canada ? you can email me please at : Pilotinglife@hotmail.com Thanks !!!
  18. Ok, let me know how it goes for the brakes on the right side, I was disappointed when I noticed that on the rocket, but the engine performances were may more important than having a break on the right side, since I don't plan to ever sit there...
  19. Hi, I need to install 3" rudder pedal extension in the M20K Rocket I just purchased, but can't find a supplier for that. Southwest Texas Aviation site that has it on their Mooney modification items, it says 399 for a pair, but when calling, they tell me it's 370 per pedal, so just wondering since it's factory built, if I can get it cheaper. Does anyone knows other distributor for Mooney aftermarket or modification products, ideall in Canada ? Thanks !!!
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