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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. Wow, this is pretty graphic for a family-oriented website. Also still trying to figure out what "duck butter" is. I'm really hoping that was a typo.
  2. $15 each!?! And the parts manual says you need 4 of them! Here's the CB solution, works better than the cotter pins specified by Mooney. Buy 4 at the hardware store for less than $2. Or for a 100% legal solution, use the bolts called out in the parts manual like Skip said, above.
  3. Yes, the bad grammar and spelling annoyed the crap out of me, too. It's much better now and- dare I say it- actually proper English.
  4. I think it's easier to remove the whole actuator and work on it as a unit on a workbench.
  5. The actuator is a lot easier than the pump. Only hard part is removing it and putting it back in. Bleeding is a lot easier, too.
  6. http://www.airpartsoflockhaven.com/fuel-components
  7. Agree with Immelman- the Boeing may be a better airplane to fly, but the Airbus is a much better place to work. At this point in my career, I'd rather be comfortable. I fly my Mooney when I want to have fun.
  8. Yes, it definitely looks interesting. Some more reading, if you'd like:
  9. Probably have to make your own. We've had a few threads here with a few good ideas. baggage.pdf
  10. WD-40 works well as a belly degreaser. Other than that, I’m with Byron, it doesn’t belong on an aircraft. Since it’s a water displacement, maybe it displaces urine as well?
  11. I hope everyone is remembering that ADS-B out is required above 10,000’ not just FL180. The difference is that above FL180 1090ES is required, between 10 and 18 UAT is allowed. And I agree with Paul, what’s the sense in having a turbo’ed Mooney if you don’t have ADS-B?
  12. Not without ADS-B. And can't go under it, either.
  13. I was a MAPA member back in the 1990's. It was THE go-to place for everything Mooney related, hands down. And I'm still a member and will remain so until they close up. But in our current day where better information products are available faster and less expensively, it seems to be struggling for relevance. Kind of like the Mooney factory, unfortunately.
  14. I think that's probably the case, Andrew. That would also explain why one modification (the Missile, IIRC) is allowed the higher weight, by STC, without having the thicker tube.
  15. I don't think that's what Cliffy is talking about. I understood it was more about retirement income than anything else. That's why he said you'll face it too in 10-20 years or more. As you get closer to retirement, you start wondering if you've saved enough and if it'll last until you're dead. The last thing you want is to get sued and lose everything you've worked your whole life for and have nothing left. Then you'll have to live off of your Social Security and whatever you can scrape together as a greeter at WalMart. No thanks.
  16. The problem isn’t really one of criminal negligence or fiscal liability. What scares me is when the pilot does something stupid and runs out of gas. Totally pilot error, but guess who the widow and insurance company is going to sue? The last A&P to sign the logbook and last IA to sign off the annual. I’m sure they wouldn’t be held liable, but who wants to spend thousands of dollars to defend yourself in court for something you didn’t do wrong? And I have seen that exact scenario happen, although it was a maintenance shop and not an owner/A&P. I trust my friends to not sue me, I don’t trust their widows and insurance companies.
  17. About 20-25 years ago there was a group that was going to certify a V-8 and put them in Navajos and Aerostars. There was a lot of interest because it looked like a really good, viable, and cost effective idea. So why aren’t there any flying? The bottom line is that our 80 year old technology engines are much more cost effective and appropriate for the application than people realize or credit. Sorry, being a buzz kill again.
  18. Cliffy, I feel the way you do. And with my previous 2 airplanes, breathed a huge sigh of relief 13 months after I'd signed off the last Annual Inspection. One possible way to give some relief would be to require the purchaser have a pre-purchase Inspection, and have it logged in the books with that A&Ps signature. Hopefully that would encourage him/her to roll it into an Annual.
  19. Dev- the Redbirds are great for both proficiency and currency, but it really sounds like what you're looking for is just staying proficient and comfortable in the system. For that, any of the home PC simulators with a decent stick (yoke and rudder pedals are better) will work admirably. There have been some discussions around here about some of those. Also, as a new IFR pilot some years ago, I often marveled at how just filing IFR and doing a 50 mile cross country really helped keep my head in the game and boosted my confidence, even if the whole thing was done in VMC. But that doesn't really help much this time of year.
  20. Yes, TruTrak (recently acquired by Bendix King) say they have been working on an STC for Mooneys. And they've been saying that for almost 2 years. Maybe another year?
  21. Sorry to be a buzz-kill, but by the time you drop a few thousand $ on repairing your Mitchell-orphaned autopilot, you could've had a TruTrak with vertical modes and GPSS. On the plus side, it'll probably take you the better part of a year to troubleshoot and repair the system, so by then the TruTrak will actually be STCed for your Mooney.
  22. I'm so sorry! Stupid Apple autocorrect strikes again, but my fault for not proofreading!
  23. About 1/3 the size and a little more laid back. OSH is run by volunteers, for the most part, so you get that vibe from it. Not so much at Sun n Fun.
  24. Sorry, dear sir, but I just can't let that statement lie unmolested. So my wife's first visit to Great Britain was after spending 2 days in Iceland. We flew into Gatwick and drove north to my brother's house in Nottinghamshire. Once we got to the Midlands, we stopped at a Little Chef for lunch. After ordering, she leaned over to me and said, "I think they spoke better English in Iceland." True story.
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