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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. Same here. That's why I just invested in dual G5s and a Garmin GPS175, that I'm currently installing in my M20C. The biggest issue, technically/legally, is that the G3X and G5s are installed via STC, not TSO. The STC holder dictates the acceptable interfaces- and thus far, that doesn't include the IFD series. Even though the IFD should work, the installer (whether it be you, the avionics shop, or the IA that signs off your install) should not approve the installation because the interfaces are not approved under the STC. Personally I'm grateful for all the manufacturers. Garmin should be applauded for their innovation. Avidyne, Aspen, Trig, etc. should be applauded for keeping Garmin honest and not letting Big-G jack up their prices unnecessarily.
  2. No, but there are 2 goood reasons to keep it: 1.) redundancy in case either (or both) of your wingtip strobes fail, you'd still be legal to fly at night 2.) you can taxi around at night with only the belly strobe on, thus not annoying the crap out of the other pilots around you
  3. Agreed, but this method is much more difficult for the mechanic with the pressure pot.
  4. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Mark, above, is right- it depends on what you have installed. But assuming you have a reasonably modern intercom, it should only be about 2-3 hours labor (less than 5). It will be more if you want it on the yoke, and even then may not be possible. My suggestion- don't put it on the yoke. Mount it straight on the instrument panel:
  5. I thought the proper term was Scouse?
  6. The Mooney Mite had a windshield wiper that waved a flag right in front of the pilot's face if the gear was up and the throttle at idle. People still landed them gear up.
  7. "Dammit, Andy locked himself in the Holodeck again."
  8. They call themselves "Beliebers". And we now have photographic evidence that Hank is one.
  9. This leads to a good question for @Parker_Woodruff- at what point, if any, do yearly hours start to penalize an owner? More hours per year is generally good for competence and experience, but it also means increased exposure to an accident (or forgetting the gear.)
  10. Cliffy has been around the biz a lot longer than me, but it seems this has been said before: - post Vietnam, lots of military pilots -mid1980's through early 1990’s - post 9/11 - SARS - retirement age changing from 60 to 65 - 2008 economic downturn My guess for a new professional pilot like Alex- @Raptor05121 is that he's in a good spot- making money flying airplanes, building time. I bet he has a job at a regional airline sometime in 2022, which is only about 6 months off his expected timeline.
  11. Robert, I understand what you're saying about technology and I agree with its validity, but you completely missed the point of my post.
  12. I can honestly say that in over 20 years of flying airliners for 2 different Part 121 carriers, I have never had the automation tell me, "Too Low- Gear". The technology doesn't save the airplane from a gear up, the second crew member does. (And that's happened with me onboard only twice.) The lesson for us, I think, is that without a second crew member, how do we prevent gear up accidents? Best option if you fly with a significant other is to train them on sterile cockpit procedures and to ask "Gear down?" on base or final approach. Other than that, checklists, strict adherence to procedures, multiple GUMP checks, and some sort of last-resort safety catch are all that we have. And as to dropping the gear in the pattern or 5 miles out, it doesn't really matter as long as it works for the PIC. I won't lower the gear 5 miles out because it goes against everything I've been taught professionally. But I won't fault someone who does as long as they do it the same way every time, i.e., strict adherence to their procedures. Just MHO, getting off the soapbox now to give someone else a chance.
  13. Doubtful, I think. I have the same remote filter and my oil temp (on a JPI engine monitor) runs 180-190°, and even on a hot day only about 195°.
  14. Good question. "Blue Line" is marked on the airspeed indicator of all multi-engine aircraft. It is the best rate-of-climb airspeed with one engine inoperative. Most GA twins can barely climb with only one engine, holding blue line gives you the most feet per minute with an engine failure. The initial climb in a twin is at blue line, just in case you lose an engine, up to an altitude when you're safe to accelerate to a cruise climb speed.
  15. It looks to me like they are from January 1977 (1 77) so they're original!
  16. In my search for flying hours, I've also had to fly some crap airplanes. Not as many or as bad as you've done, but I get it. Since you've been posting on MooneySpace, you've contributed a lot of good information and a number of solid opinions. But your opinions about magnetos are based upon your own very unique experiences. Those are very different from the experiences of people here who have flown airplanes with magnetos that received basic proper maintenance.
  17. Do you have data to support that? Or are you just throwing out some bull$h!t to support a weak (nonexistent) point? In 31 years of flying piston airplanes, the only times I've ever taxied back for a bad mag check had nothing to do with the magneto, but with a fouled spark plug.
  18. There's a thread around that talks about vernatherms. 210° is pretty hot at the oil temperature thermocouple. I'd look at your vernatherm is getting old and not opening enough. Once your oil temperature is steady at 180-190°, I'm interested to hear how your pressure looks.
  19. Despite your title, this is one of the least fun topics I can envision. EDIT: Robert originally had a different title for this
  20. I've heard this same rumor time and again. I've never heard it confirmed by anyone who would actually know. Regardless, "all the tooling" really isn't significant. A (slightly) different jig for the roll cage, and slightly shorter sheet metal, stringers, etc. for the fuselage.
  21. Just MHO, but I admit I am completely blown away by Tesla technology and innovation. 10 years ago when nobody could get electric cars to go 100 miles, Tesla figured out how to do 300 miles- in a high performance, luxury car at that. Amazing. But when it came time for me to buy a new car, I bought an Audi. I can buy a lot of dead dinosaurs for the $60,000 difference in price.
  22. In 2002 I bought one from LASAR. It was the standard Mooney part, hopefully they're still available. Let us know!
  23. They can, the Cutler Hammers that were original generally last decades and thousands of hours. Problem is, they cost $400 or more.
  24. No separate time window for the Oral or Practical when I did mine more than 20 years ago, but of course he did charge extra for doing both the A and the P.
  25. +1 My attitude indicator has an orange flag that drops when vacuum fails. I also have a vacuum gauge. When I had a vacuum pump failure (in VMC) the first thing I noticed was the flag, then I confirmed with the gauge, so I definitely agree with David. I should say "used to have". My home office recently approved the upgrade. The day the G5s arrived, my vacuum system got removed. I should have the new stuff installed in the next month or so. Thanks to @bradp for answering questions and posting his thread:
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