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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. I think this is the 4th “new look” I’ve seen. Overall, it’s not bad, just different. I don’t like how some threads show a kind of “split screen” look for some reason. This only happens in landscape mode on my iPad. Does anyone know how to turn that function off? @mooniac58?
  2. This doesn't answer your question, but adding Aeroflash strobes as a supplemental system to the existing anti-collision light doesn't constitute a major alteration. Just because Whelen went and got an STC for their strobes doesn't mean every strobe installation rises to that level. By the FAAs own definitions, this installation is a minor modification and doesn't need a 337 signed off by a fed. An A&P simply needs to sign off the logbook and say that the installation is airworthy.
  3. Hank, I just installed 2 G5s and Brad helped me a lot. I'm not sure where he put his GMU, but mine is in the right wing 3 bays outboard of the landing gear. When I did the magnetic survey, the only thing that even registered on my G5 to any real degree was the NAV light turning on. I think unless your strobe wiring was unshielded or otherwise wonky, the GMU will pass the test in most wing locations. As far as the diodes and resistors- a short while ago, Garmin started to offer a "Lightning Protection Module" which includes the resistors and diode and is much easier to install. I'm guessing that those components were probably needed to pass lightning certification standards that the FAA didn't consider at first, and then insisted Garmin comply with. Good luck, it's a really powerful combination. Mine is coupled to a new GPS175 and I'm still blown away by its capabilities.
  4. I agree with Dev and Rob. 10-15 minutes from destination- I'd wait and get it on the ground, while monitoring it closely. More than 30 minutes? Probably try and troubleshoot. Like Dev said, high power mag check with a dead magneto could lead to a muffler-blowing backfire.
  5. Wife replies, "I want the one with the parachute or I'm never going flying with you." Cirrus gets another sale. (I completely and rationally agree with your assessment of the Mooney, just not of the wife- who may be driven by something other than reason.)
  6. This might be true for you or me, but not for the marketing department at Cirrus. The real advantage is when the wife asks, "what about if the engine quits?"
  7. Matt, I'm certainly not taking anything away from what you've done. I'm glad you're back up and running and happy for a reasonable price. The price for the capacitor/condensor has gone up a bit- I'm now showing $42.95 for that part, but nothing else really wears out. File the points, replace that capacitor, set the points per the manual, reassemble. Actually very simple, but the catch is you have to find a mechanic willing to read the manual and give it a try. TCMIgnitionVibratorManual.pdf
  8. Okay, Erik- here ya go. You did ask for it...
  9. It's always amazed me that people don't understand the shower of sparks so they love to bad-mouth it, even though it's one of the simplest and most effective systems on our airplanes. Plus you can replace the internal parts that wear out in about an hour for about $20. Can't do that with a bad impulse coupler. And it is also a significant safety enhancement: the likelihood of a broken p-lead causing an accidental start is practically zero, unlike an impulse coupling.
  10. That is nowhere near to a 20 hour job, unless the shop was including troubleshooting, head scratching, and learning vintage Mooney systems. Or it’s a shop that simply charges 20 hours labor for everything.
  11. I used Bakers back in 2003 to finish my IA. Since you can fly there for free, I very much recommend it. A friend of mine did the self study route in 2002. He failed the first time trying and had to wait to retest. Convinced me to just pay the money and do it.
  12. IIRC, the story goes that Bruce Springsteen had sold the rights to the song, which is why Manfred Mann could later record it. But Bruce wouldn't tell them the words, so they had to try to figure them out on their own.
  13. Right there with you, Rich.
  14. FltplanGo is a free app and has a good weight and balance section. You also get free geo-referenced charts and a lot of ADSB interfaces.
  15. Yes, you must be on a VFR flight plan, but that's a good question about "activated": --------------- All aircraft must be on an active IFR or filed VFR flight plan with a discrete code assigned by an Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility. Aircraft must be squawking the discrete code prior to departure and at all times while in the TFR and must remain in two-way radio communications with ATC. ------------------- Best suggestion, of course, is to activate it to remove any doubt or question from the Feds. It's easy enough to do using the Lockheed Martin website, you won't have to talk to anyone on the radio. https://www.1800wxbrief.com/Website/mobileweb/#/
  16. That's the weirdest looking Johnson bar up lock I've ever seen.
  17. My final check is to point to the runway numbers and point to the green light and say out loud, "Got the numbers, got a green light." So then there was the time on short final when I said "Got the numbers..." and did a go around because the green light was out. As I'm swinging the Johnson bar to raise the gear, I was simultaneously congratulating myself for my discipline and thinking why the hell didn't I just check the Johnson bar!?! Muscle memory from flying different airplane types and needing something more fool-proof than my brain.
  18. The 1965 used an airspeed switch, not a squat switch. But Yetti’s point is still valid- one more possible failure point.
  19. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ I agree with Paul. Somebody screwed up a calculation years ago and nobody caught it.
  20. The old manual from 1966 just came right out and said it:
  21. That's your Mode C output to your transponder.
  22. "These are not the 'droids you're looking for." -Obi-Wan Kenobi
  23. When I originally began this thread, I was mistaken about the engine time. Instead of being run out, it was actually about 1300 hours. And an additional factor I didn't mention is that Weep No More did the tanks in 2018. It was listed in Controller for about $39k, I don't know what it sold for.
  24. @Fred as in Flintstone- I think you'd be a good instructor, I really hope you're considering it. You said in the thread you started that you're working on Commercial/Instrument. You should definitely tell your current instructor about your new goal: CFI. He/she can tailor your Commercial training so that you can transition straight into becoming an instructor.
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