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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Another resource for answering questions! I got an easy one... How do I get direct in the northeast? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. I haven't checked today, I'll go out to the airport later and see if they are still down.
    3 points
  3. Okay, so I realize spelling can be optional for some folks, and the OP's original message reads like a cross between Kerouac and Joyce. But still, while I'm quite sure he meant to say "nubile" in his description of the young jumpers, I just had to see if "nubial" was actually a word. Well, it is, sort of, if you believe Urban Dictionary: Nubial: A part of someone's body that you love to pinch "Nubial is part of someone's body you like to pinch such as Kneecap, elbow, cheeks, behind" So either the OP is actually brilliant, or he lucked into something there. Either way, Bravo!
    2 points
  4. Great times! Nice to meet some new people and see some of you again! Karson and I did a bit of formation work on the way back and I'm hoping to have some good video of the action to post soon! I'll second the comment about going slow. Bring it down at a full stall and it's just a little bumpy.
    2 points
  5. I generally get favorable comments on my fairly recent vintage paint scheme.
    2 points
  6. Here's someone who went to trouble of repainting in the '68 original paint scheme, decals and all. I don't love the color, but updated version could be very nice: But I think the scheme on this '66E might be the sharpest retro one I've seen:
    2 points
  7. If you have listened to the tape and no acknowledgement can be heard from you, sounds like the Columbia controller is trying to do some CYA. I've heard or been part of many of those same situations, where a controller let a pilot go too far before trying to perform the hand off, and have never heard of this going any farther than simply reestablishing radio contact. I've even done relays for some controllers when this has happened. The inquiry may even be to investigate the controller, just needing your statement and facts to clarify the situation. Tom
    1 point
  8. Fridge is not not momentary. I climbed in, shut the door, and it goes off.
    1 point
  9. The answer to not landing gear-up is: technology. Think about the last time that a big jet airliner landed gear up (other than a gear malfunction). It just about never happens even though they make thousands of landings under all sorts of adverse conditions. You know why they don't land gear up? The gear warning system. Humans make mistakes, technology to the rescue.
    1 point
  10. ""Exactly! I started to read it and decided I needed a couple more beers before the true genius of his post would reveal itself to me! "" It was late last night , after a few when I started it. carl
    1 point
  11. The nonradar handoff has nothing to do with you or the situation.
    1 point
  12. I feel stupid. No where in my POH does it tell you the light is on a timer. It turns off after a few minutes. Russ
    1 point
  13. My memory aid is Amsterdam. The red-light districts are in leftist cities. This is when sitting in the pilot seat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Bill -- sounds like a great trip. Did this dog have a multi-colored eye? They are so appreciative, aren't they? YES... looks like a husky mix of some sort... And I used that tool twice yesterday !! BILL
    1 point
  15. Karson and I are always trying to get together for formation practice and it'd be awesome to have some more experienced people to fly with and learn more. We did the Mooney Caravan training weekend in Yuma back in Feb, and it was one of the best flying experiences I've had. They are a very fun and professional group who are also very good at what they do. I highly recommend doing one of their Formation Clinics to learn all the basics and get a feel for it. I'm still fairly inexperienced and pretty much just stick to basic maneuvers, but I got to ride along with some of the more advanced guys and see a lot of really neat flying. Dallas
    1 point
  16. Variation on a theme, how would this look? Design a stripng scheme, polish under them really well. Mask them off and use scotchbrite to create a low-maintenance brushed look everywhere else. Remask and paint the polished stripes with just a clear topcoat, so they stay shiny. Two-tone bare aluminum!
    1 point
  17. I've seen some planes that were bare polished with a few accent stripes painted in a transparent pigment so the polished aluminum shows through the color and it looks beautiful and would suit a vintage Mooney exceptionally well IMHO
    1 point
  18. And I'm willing to bet you all are just waiting for some pictures of nubial a.k.a. "pinchable" women?! Aren't ya?! Remember the old saying, "pinch an inch"? [emoji57] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Flying for cheaper gas - incorrect Flying for nubial women - correct.
    1 point
  20. A situational awareness pitot system...? I saw a great video produced by a highschool student working on an aircraft control project, in his personal in-home wind tunnel. The electronic pitot sensor was tiny compared to standard FAA compliant ones. Next challenges: -how to install and power it in a 'temporary' fashion... -add wireless data communication back to the cockpit... -some GoPro experience comes to mind... Go Jr. Erik! Best regards, -a-
    1 point
  21. Better make it soon! There's a new addition to the family due in January!
    1 point
  22. Seems like it would be easy enough to demonstrate. Take a few sheets of various metals and coat some with corrosion x and leave others bare. Stick them in various environments and compare them to each other after a certain length of time.
    1 point
  23. I'd love to have two pitot tubes and static systems. Ideally I'd put in a ilevil and have the full AHRS on an iPad.
    1 point
  24. As you can tell from my pix, I don't have that style of wing tips, my J is a 78, the tips were added later.
    1 point
  25. The question is, did you offer any of the jumpers an airplane ride??? This is where having a good calibrated dipstick, engine monitor, and fuel flow meter/totalizer will make you happy. Your airplane can happily fly along at 5-6gph just fine... can be useful if things get tight or the unforseen happens.
    1 point
  26. California Gold! To do,the whole plane, I'd use both compounds and a power buffer. My spinner shine was restored with zero effort using just the purple, but it was already slick and shiny. The shine holds up well, too. I did one of the two mirrors on my car before it started raining; the one I polished is still shiny after six months outside, the other mirror is not. California Gold!!
    1 point
  27. If you run the numbers it rarely makes economic sense to fly somewhere to get cheap gas. That being said, if you are just going out to bore holes in the sky, you might as well fly somewhere with cheap gas....
    1 point
  28. ok , i will take the other view , i leave the county for you and you fly my plane too.
    1 point
  29. I am stripping mine and thinking about Polishing her for a nice shine, anyone done that before? http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/36837-/
    1 point
  30. 1) take your time... Ross has the best explanation of what is going on inside a piston engine. There is a lot in there regarding engine timing and flame fronts... 2) don't wait too long... The parrot man has been busy with the big picture (if that is possible)
    1 point
  31. That was a fun day! 2 long, 2 mid and 2 short body Moonies. Let's keep the group growing. Heres a pic of Stinkbug(Dalles) after we crossed the pond over the main land. Karson
    1 point
  32. Thanks everyone.. was great meeting you all, very nice to put faces to all of these posts on here... and wow!! Awesome pics! I want to do some of that formation flying one of these days! Looking forward to the next gathering of Mooneys!
    1 point
  33. Sweet pics. Beautiful day. Let's brief another formation flight soon! -Matt
    1 point
  34. Yesterday we flew to Memphis to take my grandson to the zoo. Instead of the 2 1/2 hour drive it took 50 minutes. We used Uber instead of taxis to get around and found out it was much cheaper than taxis. After the zoo we went to Central for some fantastic BBQ and then to the new Bass Pro in the Pyramid. We took off just before dark and enjoyed a nice sunset. This morning, I left at 7:00 am to take my grandson back home. Flew to Branson, MO (Downtown airport) and was sitting in the Farmhouse Restaurant in downtown Branson for breakfast at 8:30 am (have a vehicle parked at PLK). Did a little shopping, left Branson at 10:20 arrived SUZ at 11:15 and was back in my house before noon (after picking up lunch for my wife). One way driving trip takes 3 1/2 hours.
    1 point
  35. Here's the dog eman and I took to Myrtle Beach today. Nice flying over 6000 where it was less than 70 degrees. Boy did we notice the difference when ATC brought us down to 2000 on approach to Grand Strand Airport. Bill
    1 point
  36. Where is John Boyd and his fighter mafia when you need them. If you don't know who John Boyd is look him up and his biography is amazing. One of the greatest contributors to aviation that most have never heard of.
    1 point
  37. It is useless in a manual gear as you can hit the switch to turn green but still not have the handle locked. So I pay it very little attention.
    1 point
  38. No, if you run the injectors out of the cylinders they will just make a stream of fuel like a squirt gun. The air flow through the injector nozzle atomizes the fuel stream. The air flow through the injector nozzle is caused by the pressure differential between the vent hole and the intake port.
    1 point
  39. I have a friend who works in Afganistan for 6-9 months at a time. He added me to the insurance and asked me to fly it for an hr or so every 3 weeks. I would email him each time I flew it and let him know everything was ok. We did this for about 2 years and it seem to work out well. If there is someone you trust at you airport see if ou can work out a similiar deal with them.
    1 point
  40. No less than 4 times. Downwind, Base, Final, and short final (threshold). I like the "point" part, and try to do that myself.
    1 point
  41. The problem with the F35 is that it's too advanced. We all know that all it takes to beat the F16 is a low and slow 150...
    1 point
  42. Just to update everyone on this, Fritz and I met up yesterday at Regensburg. He spent a lot of time showing me around the aircraft and talking about his experiences running and maintaining it compared to his previous F-model. We then went for a flight in the local area so I could experience the handling and control forces and see how the view over the cowling worked out in flight and landing. It was very kind of Fritz to spend so much of his time helping me out. It has helped a great deal in my choice of aircraft. As I discovered, the instrument panel is higher than the J, but it's not really a problem. So it looks like the Ovation is on the shopping list. Many thanks to Fritz for his help and generosity. Despite my best efforts, he steadfastly refused to let me pay towards the flight and to my shame he even paid for the beers afterwards!
    1 point
  43. That's a wonderful opinion of yours and thank you for sharing it. Regretfully, I will not consider it important. I will participate on any forum and comment on any post I so choose.
    1 point
  44. green = sarcasm. I was just quoting an esteemed member of this community who doesnt believe in "snake oil"
    1 point
  45. Everyone knows that Corrosion-X is a scam. Its snake oil. It doesnt work. Its only hyped and promoted by the people who sell it. Also, theres no conclusive proof that it works. I saw a plane just the other day, treated a few years ago with Corroson-X that had corrosion in the wheel well. Fly it often, I say. Nothing else you can do.
    1 point
  46. The Mooney fake wood panels I have to say are about the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
    1 point
  47. As I sit here with 50+ years of flying (Wright Bros Award), 7 jet type ratings and 20,000+ hrs, reading Mr Perry's article, it seems he hits the nail on the head with something I have also been preaching for a long time. Just because I have a license that says I can don't mean its the smartest decision. I have been known (in my way younger days) to depart in my Cessna 140 with venturi driven gyros into zero/zero conditions on a regular basis. I've done all the 600 RVR Autolands in blowing snow while flying 727s, 757s and A320s that I ever want to do. In the not to distant past I would do 1000 RVR takeoffs in an MU-2 but no more. Now that I'm retired and flying 1/10th the amount I did and 1/100th the amount of IMC, I am rapidly turning into a day VFR type. Could I still hack a 200/ 1/2? Sure! Could I depart with a 100 foot ceiling and be OK, sure but I don't want to anymore. It's just not worth the risk to me any more. Too many "what ifs". There is an old says that goes like this- "You can only rub the fur of a cat backwrds for so long until the cat takes exception!" I've been rubbung the fur backwards for a long, long time.
    1 point
  48. Buy a used mid-time engine keep my old one, fly, save, rebuild the old one a little at a time paying as I went.
    1 point
  49. First, pour yourself a tall stiff drink...
    1 point
  50. That's exactly what we did. There were a few years where the extra payload was needed and I rented a C182 or borrowed a friend's Piper Saratoga on those occasions. Now the son is about to go to college and we will soon be empty nesters. One of the things you will find out is that the kids want to fly less when they start hitting teenage years. At least mine did. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
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